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Attendant Assist Parking FAQ

The Attendant Assist parking program expands the capacity of Stata Garage if its regular lined spaces become full. To date, this mode has been activated only rarely, but the process is in place if we need it to accommodate our parkers.

Entering the garage and parking during Attendant Assist mode
What is the Attendant Assist parking mode in the Stata Garage?
How do I park my car during Attendant Assist parking mode?

Departing garage, retrieving keys
How do I retrieve my keys?
Do all Stata parkers relinquish their keys to the CSR or Attendants?
Is the Attendant Assist program only for some of the Stata parkers?
When does the garage transition out of Attendant Assist mode, and how do I retrieve my keys?
What if I lose my claim check?
What if my automobile is damaged during Attendant Assist parking?
What if the vehicle keys are misplaced?

Additional questions and details
What are the benefits of Attendant Assist parking?
Where are Attendant Assisted parking spaces?

Entering the garage and parking during Attendant Assist mode

What is the Attendant Assist parking mode in the Stata Garage?

Launched in September 2017, the Attendant Assist parking program is designed to expand the capacity of Stata Garage. The garage transitions to “Attendant Assist mode” as needed once all of its regular lined spaces are filled with Stata Garage parkers (Monday-Friday only). During this mode, Attendants direct incoming parkers to aisle spaces, keep aisle vehicle keys in a lockbox, and move vehicles from aisles into lined spaces as those spaces become available throughout the day.

Attendant Assist parking will be activated as needed Monday-Friday only.

How do I park my car during Attendant Assist parking mode?

  • Once the regular lined parking spaces are full, the garage enters “Attendant Assist” mode.
  • In this mode, parkers entering the garage are greeted by the Customer Service Representative (CSR). The CSR informs the parker that the garage is in Assist mode and the driver will now park with the assistance of Attendants, who will be on each level of the garage. The CSR directs the parker to a designated level, where the Attendant greets the parker and directs them into the next available aisle space.
  • The Attendant fills out a three-part claim check, noting:
    • The license number, make, and model of the vehicle, as well as the location of the vehicle in the garage
    • Any damage observed by the Attendant, who performs a vehicle inspection
  • Note that the Attendant may ask for your phone number in case a member of the parking staff needs to contact you.
  • The Attendant collects the vehicle key from the parker and stores it in the locked key box. Key boxes are located on each level of the garage.
  • How the three-part claim check is distributed:
    • Part 1 stays with the key in the locked key box
    • Part 2 is placed on the vehicle dashboard
    • Part 3 stays with the parker for vehicle retrieval
  • Throughout the course of the day, as regular parking spaces become available, Attendants move aisle vehicles into regular lined spaces and update the claim checks with the new vehicle locations. Customer vehicles will not be moved to a different level of the garage but will be kept on the level where originally parked.

[to top]

Departing garage, retrieving keys

How do I retrieve my keys?

7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

  • Customer Service Representatives at the garage provide keys.
  • The CSR Attendant requests the customer claim check, retrieves the customer key from the key box, and escorts the parker to their vehicle.
  • The parker drives their car to the exit.

3:30 PM – 2:00 AM

The SafeRide Supervisor provides keys; call 617-253-2997.

2:00 AM – 7:00 AM

Key retrieval is not available. Bring your spare key! Tip: If you expect that you’ll be collecting an Attendant Assisted vehicle after 2:00 AM and before 7:00 AM, then arrange to pick up your key during key pick up hours (7:15AM – 2:00 AM) or bring a spare key you can use. Your vehicle will already have been moved to a lined space, so no other vehicles will be blocking your vehicle.

Do all Stata parkers relinquish their keys to the CSR or Attendants?

No. Only parkers who are directed to park in the aisles need to relinquish their keys. This enables the Attendants to move cars as needed during the day to make sure that all parkers are able to leave their spaces when they are ready to leave.

Is the Attendant Assist program only for some of the Stata parkers?

No. Once all of the lined spaces in the Stata Garage are filled, the garage transitions to Attendant Assist mode, and this mode applies to any parker who enters Stata while the garage is in this mode.

When does the garage transition back out of Attendant Assist mode, and how do I retrieve my keys at that point?

Usually, the garage transitions out of Attendant Assist mode in the early afternoon, when enough lined spaces become available that aisle parking is unnecessary. However, this will not impact any parkers who parked during the Assist mode. For those parkers, keys can be retrieved from either the Customer Service Representative at the garage (7:00 AM – 3:30 PM) or the SafeRide Supervisor (call 617-253-2997 between 3:30 PM – 2:00 AM). See above for information about key retrieval between 2:00 AM – 7:00 AM.

What if I lose my claim check?

  • If you lose your Attendant Assist claim check, please speak with an Attendant or the CSR.
  • The CSR will escort you to your car and will check the dashboard claim check and retrieve the keys from the key lock box.
  • Every parker in this situation will be asked to show their license and vehicle registration so the CSR can confirm ownership before handing over the keys.
  • This measure is intended to ensure the safety and security of the parkers and their vehicles.

What if my automobile is damaged during Attendant Assist parking?

The vehicle drop-off and retrieval process includes an inspection of the car by you and the Attendant at the start of the parking period and at the end of the parking period. If new damage is discovered at the end of the parking period, the program will pursue actions to cover the cost of repairs as detailed below.

Please note that the damage must be reported by the parker before departing the garage. If damage is reported after the vehicle has left the garage, then the claim will be denied as there will be no proof that it was a result of Attendant Assist parking.

If an Attendant incurs damage to a car during the process of moving cars, they are trained to report the damage to the supervisor on duty right away. The supervisor will make every attempt to contact the parker to inform them of the incident. If the parker cannot be reached, the incident will be noted on the claim check and reported to the parker upon retrieval.

If damage to the parker’s vehicle is discovered during the departure inspection, the following steps will be taken:

  • The program supervisor reviews the claim check to determine if the damage was identified and logged by the Attendant who received the vehicle when it was first parked.
  • If the damage was not identified when the vehicle was first parked, then it will be assumed that the damage was incurred during the parking period.
  • The supervisor fills out an Incident Report and files it with the insurance company, who will process the claim. Costs to repair damages incurred during the parking period will not be the responsibility of the parker.
  • If the damage was identified and noted as pre-existing during the car intake procedure, then no further action will be taken, and it will be the responsibility of the parker to attend to the damage.

What if the vehicle keys are misplaced?

In the event that a parker’s keys are misplaced as a result of an Attendant’s actions, the following steps will be observed:

  • All attempts will be made to locate the keys. If not found, then the parker will be notified.
  • The parker can use the Emergency Ride Home program and will be reimbursed for their commute home and back to work the following day.
  • Any missing keys will be replaced immediately, and the program will absorb the cost of replacement.

Although this is a highly infrequent occurrence, it can happen. As a suggestion, consider providing a single duplicate vehicle key to the Attendant Assist staff rather than the keys and keychain you generally use. In the unlikely event that the vehicle key is misplaced, you will still retain your original key and your other personal keys.

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Additional questions and details

What are the benefits of Attendant Assist parking?

Attendant Assist parking increases the capacity of the Stata Garage by 136 spaces. This option allows more members of the MIT community to park in closer proximity to their offices.

Where are Attendant Assisted parking spaces?

The following maps show where cars are parked during the Attendant Assist mode.

In order to maintain a safe driving experience, please stay on the perimeter of the garage levels when leaving the garage. This will ensure that you can avoid any Attendant Assisted vehicles being parked.

Level 00

Level 000


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Department Directory

Parking & Transportation Office

Atlas Service Center
Street Address: 40 Ames Street
Building: E17-106
Hours: M - F, 8AM - 5PM

Phone: 617-258-6510
Phone (after hours): 617-253-2997
Fax: 617-258-6357

Attendant Assist Customer Service

Hours: M - F, 7AM – 11:30PM
Phone: 617-833-1980


Hours: M - F, 6PM - 2AM
Phone: 617-253-2997
making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology