
About ISO

Contact Us

The business hours for the International Students Office are from 9 am โ€“ 4 pm (EST) on weekdays from Monday โ€“ Friday. The office closes every Wednesday morning from 10:00am โ€“ 11:30am for an organizational meeting.

Our mailing address:

MIT International Students Office
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building E18-219
Cambridge, MA 02139

UPS, DHL, Fed-Ex Ground Service, Overnight, and Direct Deliveries
MIT International Students Office
50 Ames Street, E18-219
Cambridge, MA 02142

(Building E18 is physically located at 50 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA.  The International Students Office is on the second floor.)

E-mail: ISO-HELP
Phone: (617) 253-3795
Fax: (617) 258-5483
Host to International Students Program phone: (617) 253-3795

The International Students Office does not answer questions regarding international student admissions, degree programs, billing, financial aid, and housing. Please refer to those MIT offices to find the quickest answers to your questions.

Directions to MIT International Students Office ยป

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