
About ISO

General Statistics 2008-2009

Note: These statistics were compiled in October 2008 by the Office of the Registrar for the academic year 2008-09. The counts include international visiting, special, and exchange for both undergraduate and graduate categories. See also the Registrar's reports for enrollment statistics and for international enrollment.

Student Body Composition

Degree Level International   US Citizen   US Perm Resident    Total   % of Total
Undergraduate 422 3796 253 4471 9.44%
Graduate 2583 3695 323 6601 39.13%
Total 3005 7491 576 11072 27.14%

Countries With Largest Representation

Rank   Country      UG    G  Total   % of Intl Students
1 China, P.R.C. 33 372 405 13%
2 India 32 246 278 9%
3 South Korea 19 253 272 9%
4 Canada 26 188 214 7%
5 Germany 4 105 109 4%
6 France 4 97 101 3%
7 Taiwan 10 80 90 3%
8 Singapore 9 77 86 3%
9 Japan 1 80 81 3%
10 Italy 4 74 78 2%

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