
About ISO

General Statistics 2011-2012

Student Body Composition

Degree Level International   US Citizen   US Perm
 Total   % of Total
Undergraduate 436 3666 282 4384 9.95%
Graduate 2417 3663 278 6358 38.02%
Special - UG 19 2 0 21 90.48%
Special - G 40 94 18 152 26.32%
Exchange/Visiting 393 515 9 917 42.86%
Total 3305 7940 587 11832 27.93%

Countries With Largest Representation

Rank   Country      UG    G   Special (UG)   Special (G)   Exchange/ Visiting  Total    % of Intl    Students
1 China, P.R.C. 45 426 1 0 61 533 16.13%
2 India 22 245 11 8 9 295 8.93%
3 South Korea 29 227 0 7 17 280 8.47%
4 Canada 22 216 0 1 14 253 7.66%
5 Germany 2 52 0 5 45 104 3.15%
6 Taiwan 10 84 0 0 7 101 3.06%
7 Singapore 7 82 0 0 6 95 2.87%
8 France 0 68 0 0 19 87 2.63%
9 Japan 3 67 0 1 10 81 2.45%
10 Spain 3 55 1 2 18 79 2.39%


Note: These statistics were compiled on October 7, 2011 for the academic year 2011-2012. The Registrar Office's "Y Report" and international enrollment statistics exclude all exchange/visiting and study abroad students unless otherwise noted, but include all special students. Three study abroad students are included in the "undergraduate" category counts above, but not in the "Y Report"


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