
About ISO

General Statistics 2013-2014

Student Body Composition

Degree Level International   US Citizen   US Perm
 Total   % of Total
Undergraduate 435 3836 259 4530 9.60%
Graduate 2746 3625 259 6630 41.42%
Special - UG 15 3 4 22 68.18%
Special - G 58 101 5 164 35.37%
Exchange/Visiting 295 748 5 1048 28.15%
Total 3549 8313 532 12394 28.63%

Countries With Largest Representation

Rank   Country      UG    G   Special (UG)   Special (G)   Exchange/ Visiting  Total    % of Intl    Students
1 China, P.R.C. 49 577 4 4 49 683 19.24%
2 India 18 283 3 10 11 325 9.16%
3 Canada 19 239 0 1 3 262 7.38%
4 Korea, South 27 221 0 4 8 260 7.33%
5 Singapore 9 88 0 1 5 103 2.90%
6 France 0 86 0 1 9 96 2.70%
7 Brazil 7 57 7 5 19 95 2.68%
8 Germany 1 56 1 1 34 93 2.62%
9 Taiwan 9 71 0 0 4 84 2.37%
10 Mexico 12 58 0 1 4 84 2.11%


Note: These statistics were compiled on October 22, 2013 for the academic year 2013-2014. The Registrar Office's "Y Report" and international enrollment statistics exclude all exchange/visiting and study abroad students unless otherwise noted, but include all special students. Two study abroad students are included in the "undergraduate" category counts above, but not in the "Y Report"

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