
About ISO

Regional Statistics 2017-2018

Sorted by region

Region      UG    G    Special   Exch.
Total   % of Intl Students
Africa 42 64 0 8 114 2.89%
Asia 199 1563 56 240 2058 52.22%
Europe 89 521 19 197 826 20.96%
Latin America and the Caribbean 59 238 4 30 331 8.40%
Middle East 52 193 4 21 270 6.85%
North America 22 239 0 16 277 7.05%
Oceania 7 45 0 6 58 1.47%
Unknown or Stateless 0 5 0 1 6 0.16%
Total 470 2868 83 520 3941 100%

Note: These statistics were compiled on October 6, 2017 for the academic year 2017-2018. The Registrar Office's "Y Report" and international enrollment statistics include all special students, but no early thesis, exchange/visiting or study abroad students unless otherwise noted. Eight early thesis are included in the "graduate" category above, but not in the Registrar Office's Y Report.

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