
About ISO

General Statistics 1999-2000

Student Body Composition

Degree Level International   US Citizen    Total   % of Total
Undergraduate 355 3945 4300 7.8%
Graduate 2031 3641 5672 35.8%
Total 2386 7586 9972 23.9%

Countries With Largest Representation

Rank   Country      UG    G  Total   % of Intl Students
1 China, P.R.C. 3 256 259 10.9%
2 Canada 22 170 192 8.0%
3 India 13 135 148 6.2%
4 Korea, Republic of 4 138 142 6.0%
5 Japan 8 109 117 4.9%
6 Singapore 15 65 80 3.4%
7 France 2 70 72 3.0%
8 Germany 5 59 64 2.7%
9 Turkey 12 47 59 2.5%
10 Greece 4 52 56 2.3%
10 Taiwan 5 51 56 2.3%

Please note that the counts include international visiting, special, and exchange students for both the undergraduate and graduate categories.

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