Seminar XXI Faculty 1986-2011
- Abdelal, Prof. Rawi, Harvard Business School
- Abrams, Elliot, Council on Foreign Relations
- Adomeit, Dr. Hannes, College of Europe
- Ahmad, Prof. Feroz, Fletcher School, Tufts University
- Ambartsumov, Dr. Eugeny, former Russian Amb. to Mexico
- Anderson, Prof. Lisa, Columbia University
- Appleby, Prof. Scott, Notre Dame University
- Arima, Dr. Tatsuo, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Middle Eastern Affairs
- Art, Prof. Robert, Brandeis University
- Asher, Prof. David, Heritage Foundation
- Aslund, Dr. Anders, Peterson Institute for International Economics
- Azrael, Dr. Jeremy, The Rand Corporation
- Bakhash, Prof. Shaul, George Mason University
- Barkey, Prof. Henri, Lehigh University
- Barnett, Prof. Thomas, Enterra Solutions
- Bator, Prof. Francis, Harvard University (Emeritus)
- Bellin, Prof. Eva, Hunter College
- Berger, Prof. Suzanne, MIT
- Betts, Prof. Richard K., Columbia University
- Bialer, Prof. Seweryn, Columbia University (Emeritus)
- Blacker, Prof. Coit (Chip), Stanford University
- Blackwill, Prof. Robert D., The Rand Corporation
- Brackman, Prof. Jarret, North Dakota State University
- Branson, Prof. William H., Princeton University (In Memoriam)
- Burg, Prof. Stephen L., Brandeis University
- Byman, Prof. Daniel, Georgetown University
- Cha, Prof. Victor, Georgetown University
- Chayes, Ms. Sarah, Arghand Cooperative, Afghanistan
- Christensen, Prof. Thomas, Princeton University
- Christia, Prof. Fotini, MIT
- Clarke, Mr. Richard A., Good Harbor Consulting
- Clough, Michael, Human Rights Watch
- Cohen, Prof. Stephen, The Brookings Institution
- Cole, Prof. Juan, University of Michigan
- Connor, Prof. Walker, Middlebury College
- Cornell, Jonathan E., formerly at Harris Corporation
- Cragin, R. Kim, The Rand Corporation
- Cronin, Dr. Patrick M., Center for a New American Security
- Dasgupta, Prof. Sunil, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
- de Brichambaut, Marc Perrin, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Deutch, Prof. John, MIT
- Diamond, Dr. Larry, Hoover Institute
- Djilas, Dr. Aleksa, Independent Scholar
- Dobbins, Dr. James, The Rand Corporation
- Dore, Prof. Ronald, London School of Economics
- Doyle, Prof. Michael, Columbia University
- Dresser, Prof. Denise, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
- Elliott, Kimberly, Institute for International Economics
- Encarnation, Dennis, Harvard University
- Esposito, Prof. John, Georgetown University
- Fair, Prof. Christine, Georgetown University
- Falkenrath, Dr. Richard, New York City Police Department
- Fallows, James, The Atlantic Monthly
- Feinberg, Prof. Richard, University of California, San Diego
- Felbab-Brown, Dr. Vanda, The Brookings Institution
- Feldman, Dr. Shai, Brandeis University
- Gaddis, Prof. John Lewis, Yale University
- Gallucci, Robert, MacArthur Foundation
- Ganguly, Prof. Sumit, Indiana University
- Gause, Prof. Gregory, University of Vermont
- Gelb, Leslie, Council on Foreign Relations
- Gendlin, Prof. Gerry, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
- Gergorin, Jean-Louis, formerly European Aeronautic Defense and Space Corporation
- Goble, Prof. Paul, formerly with Radio Free Europe
- Goldstein, Prof. Avery, University of Pennsylvania
- Gonda, Dr. Roberto Villareal, former Coordinator in the Presidential Office for Public Policies, Mexico
- Good, Dr. Mary, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
- Greenhill, Dr. Kelly M., Tufts University
- Greider, William, The Nation
- Gupta, Prof. Bhabani Sen, former Director of the Center for Research on International Change, Delhi
- Habeck, Prof. Mary, Johns Hopkins University
- Hall, Prof. Peter, Harvard University
- Halperin, Dr. Morton, Center for American Progress
- Hankiss, Prof. Elemér, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Hannum, Prof. Hurst, Fletcher School, Tufts University
- Hardgrave, Prof. Robert, University of Texas (Emeritus)
- Harding, Prof. Harry, University of Virginia
- Harkabi, Prof. Yehoshafat, Hebrew University (In Memoriam)
- Harrison, Lawrence E., Fletcher School, Tufts University
- Hasegawa, Prof. Tsuyoshi, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Hassner, Pierre, Centre d’Etudes des Relations Internationales (CERI), Paris
- Heginbotham, Dr. Eric, Council on Foreign Relations
- Hermann, Dr. Robert J., Global Technology Partners, LLC
- Hewett, Dr. Ed A., The Brookings Institution (In Memoriam)
- Hoffman, Dr. Bruce, Georgetown University
- Hoffman, Prof. Stanley, Harvard University
- Horowitz, Prof. Donald, Duke University
- Howorth, Prof. Jolyon, Yale University and University of Bath, United Kingdom
- Hufbauer, Dr. Gary, Peterson Institute for International Economics
- Huntington, Prof. Samuel, Harvard University (In Memoriam)
- Indyk, Amb. Martin S., The Brookings Institution
- Inman, ADM Bobby, University of Texas
- Jackson, Prof. Richard, Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Jakobsen, Dr. Peter Viggo, Danish Institute for International Studies
- Jenkins, Dr. Brian, The Rand Corporation
- Joffe, Dr. Josef, Die Zeit
- Joseph, Prof. Richard, Northwestern University
- Kahler, Prof. Miles, University of California, San Diego
- Kaiser, Prof. Karl, Harvard University
- Kang, Prof. David, University of Southern California
- Kanter, Prof. Arnold, The Scowcroft Group
- Karawan, Prof. Ibrahim, University of Utah
- Karl, Prof. Terry, Stanford University
- Kaufmann, Prof. Chaim, Lehigh University
- Keely, Prof. Charles, Georgetown University (Emeritus)
- Kemp, Dr. Geoffrey, Nixon Center
- Kennedy, Prof. Paul, Yale University
- Khalidi, Prof. Walid, Institute for Palestine Studies
- Kinoshita, Hiroo, Sumitomo Corporation, Japan
- Kirisci, Prof. Kemal, Bogazici University, Istanbul
- Knake, Mr. Robert, Council on Foreign Relations
- Kornai, Prof. Janos, Harvard University
- Kortunov, Dr. Andrey, New Eurasia Foundation
- Kramer, Dr. Martin, Harvard University
- Kuperman, Prof. Alan J., University of Texas, Austin
- Kwame Sundaram, Prof. Jomo, Department of Economics and Social Affairs, United Nations
- Lamb, Prof. Sarah, Brandeis University
- Lapidus, Prof. Gail, Stanford University
- Lardy, Prof. Nicholas, Institute for International Economics
- Lawrence, Prof. Robert Z., Harvard University
- Lawson, Prof. Chappell, MIT
- Layne, Prof. Christopher, Texas A&M University
- Legvold, Prof. Robert, Columbia University
- Lester, Prof. Richard, MIT
- Lewis, Prof. Bernard, Princeton University (Emeritus)
- Li, Shenzhi, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (In Memoriam)
- Lieber, Prof. Keir A., Georgetown University
- Lieber, Prof. Robert, Georgetown University
- Lieberthal, Prof. Kenneth, University of Michigan
- Lim, Prof. Linda, University of Michigan
- Litwak, Prof. Robert, Woodrow Wilson Center
- Lowi, Prof. Theodore J., Cornell University
- Lugar, Senator Richard G. (R–Ind.)
- Lustick, Prof. Ian, University of Pennsylvania
- Lynch, Prof. Marc, George Washington University
- MacFarquhar, Prof. Roderick, Harvard University
- MacKenzie, GEN Lewis, Canadian Army (Ret.)
- Malik, Dr. Habib, Lebanese American University
- Maravall, Prof. José María, Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones
- Markovits, Prof. Andrei, University of Michigan
- Mastanduno, Prof. Michael, Dartmouth College
- Matlock, Jack, former Amb. to the Soviet Union
- Maxfield, Prof. Sylvia, Simmons School of Management
- Mbeki, Moeletsi, South African Institute of International Affairs
- McCormack, Robert, Trident Capital, Chicago
- McFaul, Mike, Stanford University
- Mearsheimer, Prof. John, University of Chicago
- Mejstrik, Dr. Michal, Charles University, Prague
- Meyer, Prof. Stephen, MIT (In Memoriam)
- Miller, Prof. Steven, Harvard University
- Millet, Prof. Richard, formerly at The Rand Corporation
- Minnis, Col (Ret.) William, formerly Adjunct Professor, Lester B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Center
- Mochizuki, Prof. Mike, George Washington University
- Moisi, Dr. Dominique, Institut Français des Relations Internationales
- Moravcsik, Prof. Andrew, Princeton University
- Morris, Dr. Eric, Stanford University, (formerly at Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
- Moss, Dr. Todd, Center for Global Development
- Nakash, Prof. Yitzhak, Institute For Advanced Study, Princeton University
- Nandy, Prof. Ashis, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi
- Nathan, Prof. Andrew, Columbia University
- Natsios, Andrew, Georgetown University, (Formerly U.S. Agency for International Development)
- Newland, Dr. Kathleen, Migration Policy Institute
- Nishihara, Prof. Masashi, President, Research Institute for Peace and Security, Japan
- Noble, Prof. Gregory W., University of Tokyo
- Nolan, Dr. Janne E., Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
- Nye, Jr., Prof. Joseph, Harvard University
- Oakley, Dr. Brian, Former President, British Computer Society
- Okamoto, Yukio, Former Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Japan
- Olson, Kyle, President, The Olson Group
- Ostry, Dr. Sylvia, University of Toronto
- Oye, Prof. Kenneth, MIT
- Pape, Prof. Robert, University of Chicago
- Parthemore, Prof. Christine, Center for a New American Security
- Pascual, Dr. Carlos, US Ambassador to Mexico
- Pastor, Prof. Robert, American University
- Pechatnov, Dr. Vladimir, Moscow State Institute of International Relations
- Pempel, Prof. T.J., University of California, Berkeley
- Perkovich, Dr. George, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Petersen, Prof. Roger, MIT
- Pharr, Prof. Susan J., Harvard University
- Pickering, Amb. Thomas, International Crisis Group
- Piore, Prof. Michael, MIT
- Pollack, Dr. Kenneth, The Brookings Institution
- Posen, Prof. Barry R., MIT
- Press, Prof. Darryl G., Dartmouth College
- Prestowitz, Clyde, Economic Strategy Institute
- Price, Prof. Robert, University of California, Berkeley
- Prunier, Dr. Gerard, French Center for Ethiopian Studies, Addis-Ababa
- Putnam, Prof. Robert, Harvard University
- Pye, Prof. Lucian, MIT (In Memoriam)
- Quandt, Prof. William, University of Virginia
- Radelet, Dr. Steven, Senior Advisor on Development, Office of Secretary of State
- Ravenhill, Prof. John, Australian National University
- Reinhart, Prof. Carmen, University of Maryland
- Reyntjens, Prof. Filip, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Rice, Prof. Condoleezza, Stanford
- Richardson, Prof. Louise, University of St. Andrews
- Romberg, Dr. Alan, Henry L. Stimson Center
- Roper, Lord John, House of Lords, United Kingdom
- Ross, Prof. Robert, Boston College
- Rotberg, Prof. Robert, Harvard University
- Roy, Dr. Olivier, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
- Rubin, Dr. Barnett, New York University
- Rühl, Prof. Lothar, University of Cologne
- Rupnik, Dr. Jacques, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales
- Sadjadpour, Prof. Karim, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Sagan, Prof. Scott, Stanford University
- Samuels, Prof. Richard, MIT
- Saroyan, Prof. Mark, University of California, Berkeley (In Memoriam)
- Scalapino, Prof. Robert, University of California, Berkeley (Emeritus)
- Schneider, Prof. Ben Ross, MIT
- Schoppa, Prof. Leonard, University of Virginia
- Segal, Dr. Adam, Council on Foreign Relations
- Shevtsova, Lilia, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Shikaki, Dr. Khalil, Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research
- Shimshoni, Dr. Jonathan, Chief Executive Officer, Escape Rescue Systems
- Shirk, Prof. Susan, University of California, San Diego
- Shoup, Prof. Paul, University of Virginia
- Shourie, Dr. Arun, Member of Parliament, India
- Shubane, Khehla, RMB Holdings
- Sick, Prof. Gary, Columbia University
- Sikkink, Prof. Katharine, University of Minnesota
- Singer, Dr. Peter W., The Brookings Institution
- Slaughter, Prof. Anne-Marie, Director, Policy Planning, State Department
- Smith, Prof. Peter, University of California, San Diego
- Smith, Prof. Robert, Sonoma State University (Emeritus)
- Smith, Prof. Tony, Tufts University
- Smolar, Dr. Aleksander, President, Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw
- Snyder, Prof. Jack, Columbia University
- Solomon, Dr. Richard, President, U.S. Institute of Peace
- Staniszkis, Prof. Jadwiga, University of Warsaw
- Stavrakis, Prof. Peter, National Defense University
- Steinbruner, Dr. John, University of Maryland
- Steinfeld, Prof. Edward, MIT
- Stern, Prof. Jessica, Harvard University
- Suhrke, Prof. Astri, Christian Michelsen Institute
- Sullivan, GEN Gordon R., USA(R), Association of the United States Army
- Szporluk, Prof. Roman, Harvard University
- Takeyh, Prof. Ray, Council on Foreign Relations
- Tanaka, Prof. Akihiko, Director, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo
- Taniguchi, Prof. Makoto, Chairman, Japan/Papua New Guinea Association
- Teitelbaum, Dr. Michael, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Telhami, Prof. Shibley, University of Maryland
- Tharoor, Dr. Shashi, Indian Minister of State for External Affairs, Member Indian Parliament
- Tsipko, Prof. Alexander S., formerly of The Gorbachev Foundation of North America
- Tyson, Prof. Laura d’Andrea, University of California, Berkeley
- Uenohara, Dr. Michiyuki, NEC Research Institute, Tokyo (In Memoriam)
- Ulam, Prof. Adam, Harvard University (In Memoriam)
- Van Evera, Prof. Stephen, MIT
- VanDeveer, Prof. Stacy, University of New Hampshire
- Varshney, Prof. Ashutosh, Brown University
- Vogel, Prof. Steven, University of California, Berkeley
- Voll, Prof. John, Georgetown University
- Wade, Prof. Robert Hunter, London School of Economics
- Walker, The Hon. David M., The Peter G. Perterson Foundation
- Wallerstein, Dean Mitchell, President, Baruch College (to take office in August 2010)
- Walt, Prof. Stephen, Harvard University
- Waltz, Prof. Kenneth, University of California, Berkeley (Emeritus)
- Watanabe, Amb. Koji, Japan Center for International Exchange
- Weinbaum, Prof. Marvin, University of Illinois (Emeritus)
- Weiner, Prof. Myron, MIT (In Memoriam)
- Weintraub, Dr. Sidney, Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Wen, Prof. Hai, Beijing University
- Wittes, Dr. Tamara, US Department of State
- Yabunaka, Mitoji, Foreign Ministry of Japan
- Yunling, Prof. Zhang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- Zaslavsky, Prof. Victor, Free International University for Social Sciences, Rome
- Zelikow, Prof. Philip, The University of Virginia
- Zolberg, Prof. Aristide, The New School for Social Research
- Zysman, Prof. John, University of California, Berkeley