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Christoph Reinhart, Yu Qian Ang, Khadija Benis, Zach Berzolla, Carlos Cerezo, Timur Dogan, J. Alstan Jakubiec, Sam Letellier-Duchesne, Tarek Rakha and Cody Rose
2011: Alstan Jakubiec wrote the first pilot verison of umi 1.0.
2012: Cody Rose developed umi's modular simulation backbone including a flexible SQLite database to store simulation results from different modules within one file. Timur Dogan devleoped the umi Urban Daylight and umi Operational Energy plugins. Carlos Cerezo wrote the umi Embodied Energy plugin. Tarek Rakha and Cody Rose developed the umi Walkability module. Cody Rose also started the umi Site module.
2013: A first public version of umi was released during a public symposium on Sustainable Urban Design on May 6th 2013 at MIT.
2017: The umi Urban Agriculture module HARVEST was initially developed by Khadija Benis. The module started out as a "third party" plugin and was was later folded into the main umi suite.
2018: Sam Letellier-Duchesne began to devleop the umi District Energy plugin , originally as a "third party" plugin. In 2022, the module was folded into the main umi suite.
2020: Yu Qian Ang, Zach Berzolla and Sam Letellier-Duchesne began to develop the UBEM.io web app to generate umi scenarios from GIS files and to analyze results form mutiple urban scenarios.
Climate Driven Design volume I go to Building Technology Press>>
MOOC on Sustainable Building Design more>>
SDL Weather station
Our weather station on top of MIT Building 1 has been collecting data since March 2017 more>>