Subway: Take the Red Line to the Kendall/MIT Station (cost is $1.25). When you exit the T, walk Northwest, up Main Street (yo
u will pass the MIT Coop and Legal Seafoods). When you come to the second intersection (Vassar St.), the Computer Science and Artifi
cial Intelligence Lab will be in the very unique building to
your left.
Bus: The #1 ("Dudley" bus) stops at MIT on Massachusetts Avenue (cost is 90 cents). The MIT stop is at a large crosswalk with
a stop light. On one side of the street are steps leading up to large Ionic columns and the Small Dome of MIT, on the other side of
the street is the Stratton Student Center (Building W20) and Kresge Oval (an open, grass-covered area). To get to the CSAIL, walk N
orth (so that the steps are on your right) on Mass. Ave. Take a right at the first intersection (Vassar St.). Walk until you see the
very unique building on your right at the corner of the next
major intersection (Main St.).
More detailed public transportation maps and schedules are available from the MBTA.
Taxi: Taxi fare from the airport is about $25-$30. Under normal traffic conditions the taxi ride will take about 25 minutes.<
Subway: From any terminal at Logan airport, take the airport shuttle bus to the Blue Line subway station. Take the Blue Line
to the Government Center station. Go upstairs and take the Green Line to Park Street. At the Park Street station, go downstairs and
take the Red Line to Kendall/MIT (take the outbound train toward Alewife). Under normal conditions the ride will take about 45 minu
tes. From the T stop, follow the directions above.
Car: The drive from Logan Airport can be rather nasty, depending on traffic conditions. Take the Sumner Tunnel exit from the
airport (not the Ted Williams Tunnel) and follow the signs toward Boston via the Sumner Tunnel. The tunnel toll is $3. As you exit t
he tunnel, take the ramp onto the expressway (I-93 North). Take the second exit, marked 'Storrow Drive West'. Immediately take the r
ight fork of the road to a stoplight. Turn left, then immediately turn right and drive over the Charles River on the Longfellow Brid
ge. At the second traffic light after the river, take a left onto Ames Street and then a right onto Main Street. CSAIL will be on yo
ur left in the very unique building at the corner of Main an
d Vassar Street.
Take Exit 26, and follow the signs to Back Bay along Storrow Drive West, approximately 1.5 miles, to the exit for Route 2A. The exit
will be on the left, just before the Harvard Bridge (more appropriately called the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge). The Charles River
will be on your right. As you cross the Harvard Bridge, you will be looking at MIT. Continue 1 block on Mass. Ave., until you reach
Vassar St. Take a Right on Vassar St. CSAIL is on your right in the very unique building at the corner of Vassar and Main.
Take the I-93 Exit and follow the directions above.
Follow I-90 East to the Cambridge/Brighton exit (Exit 18). Following the signs to Cambridge (down the ramp to the right, then straig
ht), cross the River Street Bridge, and continue straight about 1 mile to Central Square. Turn right onto Massachusetts Avenue and f
ollow Massachusetts Avenue for about a half mile. If you cross the river again, you have gone too far. Bear left onto Main Street at
the sculpture park. Follow Main Street for about 1/2 mile to the very unique building at the corner of Vassar St.
Download information package here.
Directions to the Banquet venue:
The Faculty Club is a short five minute walk from the Stata Center. So, if you have parked your car in the Stata Center Parking lot for the technical portion of the workshop you can just walk there. Just ask for the directions at the registration desk or download the map here. For directions to the banquet venue click here.