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Windows Athena FAQ

» Known Issues:
» I get an error loading my profile
» Applications take a long time to start
» AFS client daemon error
» Is it possible to turn off the printing of header pages?

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Known Issues Answers

I get an error loading my profile

Sometimes the following error appears upon logon:

/afs/<x>/<y>/<username>/.winprofile/..... cannot
be copied to C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.....

If OK is clicked, an error appears stating that the user's profile cannot be used and thus the user cannot log on.


In order to fix this problem, log onto a standard Athena workstation and delete the file mentioned above (/afs/<x>/<y>/<username>/.winprofile/.....)

(Often the file in question is a long IE or Mozilla cache file with a name like 0030298a@#$#8828.cache.)

Once you have deleted the file, you should be able to log onto cluster machines normally.

If you are not getting a specific error with regards to your profile, try rebooting the machine.

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Applications take a long time to start

Sometimes it can take several minutes for an application to start up.


The slow application startup time is a known issue. Often the application will load extremely slowly the first time you log on (it must create personalized settings and the like), but thereafter will load more speedily.

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AFS client daemon error

An error appears stating that the AFS Client Daemon has failed.


A box will pop up asking if you want to send the error to Microsoft. Select Don't Send.

After you get through the error boxes (there may be another stating that Microsoft has recovered from a serious error), do the following:

  • Open your Start Menu
  • Select Run; type aklog and click OK.

Doing the above will ensure that you can still access your AFS directories.

If you have time, please send a note telling us which machine you were on when this error occurred.

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Is it possible to turn off the printing of header pages?

Is it possible to turn off the printing of header pages?


Unfortunately, header pages need to be either on or off for everyone - at this time, it is not possible for one user to have this option on while another has it off.

We are looking into a way to make headers an individual user preference, but for now, we have chosen to leave header pages on for everyone.

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last updated: 08.09.05