Lathan, C.E., Newman, D.J., "Memory processes and motor control during a space simulation mission," Final Report from the Canadian Astronaut Program Space Unit Life Simulation Mission (CAPSULS), Canadian Space Agency, In Press, 1995.
The purpose of these experiments was to assess cognitive and motor performance activities for future operations involving human control of partially automated activities (i.e., teleoperation, supervisory control of remote operations). The Canadian Astronaut Program Space Unit Life Simulation (CAPSULS) offered an ideal opportunity to collect human performance data for individuals in extreme isolation to compliment data collected in microgravity on the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1) Space Shuttle mission using a similar protocol, hardware, and software. We studied short-term exhaustive memory and fine motor control associated with human/computer interaction. Memory processes were assessed using a Sternberg-like exhaustive memory set containing 1, 2, 4, or 7 letters. Fine motor control was assessed using velocity-controlled (joystick) and position-controlled (trackball) computer input devices to acquire targets as displayed on a computer screen. Subjects repeated the tasks while wearing left-right reversing prism goggles to test perceptual-motor adaptation strategies. Wearing reversing prisms degraded motor but not cognitive performance. The data collected during both the CAPSULS and IML-1 mission enhance the knowledge-base of human interface technology for human performance in extreme environments.
updated 1/26/2001