Some international students manage to become permanent residents. How do you do that? Well, Frank, a first-year from Germany, married an American. This isn't the end of the story though. He then had to go to Frankfurt to a high-security American compound where he was grilled to make sure it wasn't a fictitious marriage. The only thing that saved him was that the person asking questions had a lunch break coming up. Otherwise he'd still be there today. Frank says that if you're a permanent resident you're supposed to have a chest x-ray on the top of your luggage which you can easily reach if they ask for it. They didn't ask him, but apparently that's the regulation.
By coming here you also get to try all sorts of new foods. Dim Sum in China Town is a great experience and even hamburgers are fun sometimes. Aside from that, America has great fattening snacks.
You can get cards worth different amounts. They're available in pharmacies, in the student center, and in all sorts of other random places. One of us users Connexus cards, a card without a connection fee, to call the Middle East. Another of us uses Boston Global Connect cards, with a connection fee, to call Argentina. These are just examples. Shop around and remember to check what the country specific rate is.
If you live in the dormitories you can also get the AT&T calling plan but is much more expensive so we don't recommend it. There is a phone in the dorm which is already connected when you arrive. (The machine itself is there and the phone line.)
Last Updated February, 2000. Bio99@MIT