Frequently Asked Questions

Where was the actual Octopus Wars page?
Start from and poke around. The links at the bottom are the main pages, but clicking on things like a contest name or an octopus name should usually get you the list of entries in that contest, or entries from that octopus. Feel free to sign on to the Forums, too.

Is there anything on the Forums I need to know?
Well, in addition to chatter and manifestos, that's where we're posting the text and results of all the appeals.

How do I submit a picture?
You can mail it to Or you can post it somewhere we can get to (like flickr, or your own web pages, or wherever you like). Any way of getting the picture to us is fine; we'll take care of putting it in the contest.

What are the deadlines for any given contest?
There aren't any. The scores and rankings are always calculated based on whichever octopodes have entered a contest. If only one octopus enters, that one scores ten points and nobody else scores any. If a second octopode enters, then the judges will rank both octopodes, and one will receive ten points and one will receive one (based on the standard scoring. As more octopodes enter a contest, the rankings will keep shifting.

What if I submit an entry for a contest, and then come up with a better one?
Submit the new one! It'll replace the old one.

But what if the judges liked the old one better?
Well, then submit the old one again. It'll replace the new one.

What if the judges are extra-perverse and don't like the old one any more?
The judges are enjoined to avoid too much perversity, and bear in mind that they can re-rank a contest even without a new entrant being submitted. However, if you feel you've been judged unfairly, you can submit an appeal (in sentences of eight words in length) to the Appeals Board and it will be duly considered.

Are we all trying to do the same tasks?
Every octopode can submit an entry for any and all of the tasks.

I don't have a camera! What do I do?
Recruit a friend with a camera to help! In a pinch, you can submit your pictures as hand-drawn sketches, but this is a fairly picture-focussed game.

What if I lose my octopus?
Construct a shrine to the Octopus Lost In The War, and then request a new one.

Can I use photoshop (or other image editors)?
Don't try and deliberately fool the judges, but artistic and creative embellishment (especially for the Test of Miscellany or the Test of Essence) is both acceptable and encouraged.

Is there a zephyr class?
Yes, -c octopodes.

I want to play! / I want to judge! / I want to be a sidekick!
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What other ways are there of keeping myself up to date on Octopus Wars?
Well, there's an RSS feed of new contests, and an RSS feed of new entries in contests. Depending on your RSS reader, you either want to grab the feeds from here, or click on the RSS icon thingy from the Score page and the All Contests page. The feeds are also syndicated on LiveJournal here and here.