Category R: Previous or general relations between sides
Phase 2 Factors

2R-01  Direct negotiations take place between the sides
2R-02 One side agrees to negotiate
2R-03 One side refuses to negotiate
2R-04 Both sides unwilling to negotiate
2R-05 Sides share a common heritage
2R-06 Sides do not share a common heritage
2R-07 The leaders of one side approach the other side's leader for a modus vivendi
2R-08 Representatives of the sides agree to a meeting of leaders
2R-09 Deep ideological split develops between the sides
2R-10 The two sides are not ideologically divided
2R-11 Partial agreements have previously been reached
2R-12 One side underestimates own strength and overestimates that of the other and its ally
2R-13 One side accuses other of using allies to subvert government
2R-14 One side charges the other with fomenting revolt within its territory
2R-15 One side succeeds in influencing the other by non-military means
2R-16 One side fails to influence the other by non-military means
2R-17 Police or military measures taken by one side increase momentum for change
2R-18 Time decreases in which an opportunity can be exploited
2R-19 "Status quo" side takes strong measures against "non-status quo" side and its supporters
2R-20 "Non-status quo" side believes the other side will never yield to its demands
2R-21 Public opinion in one side aroused by action of other side
2R-22 Public opinion in one side is indifferent

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Copyright © 1999 Lincoln P. Bloomfield and Allen Moulton