Category R: Previous or general relations between sides
Phase 3 Factors

3R-01  Both sides appear to have limited objectives
3R-02 One or both sides do not appear to have limited objectives
3R-03 One or both sides try to penetrate deeply into the other's territory
3R-04 Neither side attempts to penetrate deeply into the other's territory
3R-05 Leader of one side desires to avoid wider war with other side
3R-06 "Non-status quo" side succeeds in establishing a rival government to "status quo" side
3R-07 "Non-status quo" side fails to establish a rival government to "status quo" side
3R-08 "Non-status quo" side achieves its primary goals
3R-09 "Non-status quo" side has not achieved its primary goals
3R-10 "Non-status quo" side is willing to discuss ending hostilities
3R-11 Both sides are willing to negotiate a settlement
3R-12 Sides appear unwilling to negotiate a settlement
3R-13 The sides are negotiating
3R-14 Sides share much common heritage
3R-15 Partial agreements have been reached
3R-16 Leader of one side announces a cease fire
3R-17 Leader of one side calls for a summit meeting
3R-18 "Status quo" side makes some concessions
3R-19 Leader of one side heeds warning that harsh measures will result in action by the other side
3R-20 "Status quo" side removes leader of other side who could have restraining influence
3R-21 "Status quo" side rallies support among members of the other side
3R-22 One side's leaders assure other side that regular forces will not be used to overthrow them

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Copyright © 1999 Lincoln P. Bloomfield and Allen Moulton