Andreas Nordheider

Andreas is visiting the Cummins group as a research intern starting in August, 2009. Andreas has already completed a Bachelor's thesis under the direction of Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Klapötke at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (LMU). Andreas is currently in the Master's program at LMU, a requirement of which is that he complete two internships. The first of these he already completed in the group of Prof. Langhals in the area of the catalysis to form fluorescent dyes.

For his internship here at MIT, Andreas is to explore the effect of using sterically demanding ketimide ligands on the outcome of P4 activation by niobium complexes, for comparison with Brandi Cossairt's earlier studies using isosteric enolate ligands.

Some good links:
Inorganic Syntheses / ACS Journals / ACIE

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