Inherited Attributes
Attributes inherited from: Object
Attributes inherited from: ClassOrInterface<Type>
Attributes inherited from: Declared
Attributes inherited from: Generic
Attributes inherited from: InterfaceModel<Type>
Attributes inherited from: Member<Container,Kind>
Attributes inherited from: Model
bindSource Codeshared formal Interface<Type> bind(Anything container)

Type-unsafe container binding, to be used when the container type is unknown until runtime.

A null argument is only permitted for static members (which have no container instance). In all other cases a non-null container is required.

This has the same behaviour as invoking this Member directly, but exchanges compile-time type safety with runtime checks.

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from: Object
Methods inherited from: ClassOrInterface<Type>
Methods inherited from: Qualified<Kind,Container>
Methods inherited from: Type<Target>