
MIT Women's Volleyball Club Photos!

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USAV WB champs

25 May 2014

USAV Open B Champs!

Back row: Tony Lee, Marti Borkent, Sarah Oberhelman, Emma Gargus, Jody Fu, Eva Maria Novoa Pardo, Max Wolf.

Front row: Kate Kelly, Jessica Fessler, Sharon Hao, Kayla Ngan, Lindsey Gilman.

B- winners!

11 March 2012

Winners of the B- tournament at Lincoln-Sundbury High School!

Clockwise from bottom left:
Lindsey Gilman, Darcy Duke, Laurie Qian, Jenny Li, Cathy Melnikow, Annie Dunham, Diana Valencia

At the Midway

Fall 2011

Recruiting new players at the Activities Midway!

L-R: Sarah, Vivian, Annie, Emily

C+ team from March 13, 2010

March 13, 2010

C+ tournament at LSHS

L-R: Alex, Emily, Paola, Vivien, Darcy, Alyssa, Shirley

Team spells MIT

Spring 2009

Showing our MIT spirit at a tournament!

L-R: Tracy, Ellen, Cathy, Dalin, Gergana, Paola, and Deb

2008 Nationals Team

May 2008

2008 USAV Open (Nationals) BB team in Atlanta

See how we did.

L-R: Darcy, Cathy, Lauren, Arlis, Katrina, Amanda, Rachel (Zim) and Beth

More photos

2007 End of Season Party

11 May 2007

WAVE and chickvb celebrated the end of the season at a party at Zim's house.

Back of couch: Paola, Chia, Darcy, Cat, Arlis, Sue-Ann, Zim, Beth
On couch: Rahmat, Heather, Lauren, Kelly
On floor: Frances, Christine, Deb, Kali, Nina

More photos

28 April 2007 horm tournament

28 April 2007

Our home tournament!

L-R: Paola, Beth, Betsy

More photos (chickvb alumni team in tie-die, club team in black)

Playing on the grass at Stata

16 June 2006

Joanna is back in town for graduation, so we play some grass at the Stata Center!

L-R: Chia, Paola, Darcy, Joanna, Lijin, Lauren

Yankee B- champs!

13 May 2006

MIT wins the Yankee B- championships!

L-R: Karen Daniels, Lauren Frick, Frances Tee, Rachel Pytel, Darcy Duke (MVP), Paola Cappellaro

19 March 2006 tournament

March 2006

MIT home tournament on 19 March 2006. We sported 2 B- teams and WAVE sported 1 C team.

Paola provided some videos.

Tony with award and team

May 2005

Tony is awarded Student Group Advisor of the Year!

Front row, L-R: Kelly, Sue-Ann, Tony, Darcy
Back row, L-R: Chia, Paola, Rahmat, Joanna, Beth

chickvb team fall 2004


Clockwise from left: Heather, Jess, Jen, Zim, Joanna, Tony, Sasha, Darcy, Lijin, Marlene, Sue-Ann, Chia, Paola

WAVE team

4 December 2004

Our MIT tournament - more photos