Welcome Alumna
There's lots of ways for you to stay connected to the team and share your history. We are trying to compile a team history and rosters and pictures etc. for each season. If you have something to share email the officers at
club-hockey-officers [at] mit [dot] edu
Additionally, we'd love to expand our alumnae list as much as possible and keep them connected to the team. Here are some things you might enjoy:
Alumnae Roster
Help us preserve and track the rich history of our program. Contact us if you are an alumnae of MIT Women's Ice Hockey and we'll add you to the Alumnae Roster
Alumnae Email List
To receive information about alumni events and the yearly team newsletter, the alumnae list is the one to be on.
Fan Email List
Want to stay more up to date with team news? Of course check the website for updates but you can also join the new fan email list where you'll receive multiple emails a month detailing team highlights.
Social Media
If you're into social media, MIT has a facebook page for the team and there's even an alumnae facebook page. Finally there's a facebook group too. Maybe we'll even have Twitter soon!
Alumnae Game
Each year at the end of the season, we invite all MIT women's hockey alumnae and family back to the rink for a day of skating, snacking, reminiscing, and a friendly game. So check the calendar and look for details here, on facebook, and emails to find out about the next big day.Tech Gear
Love hockey? Better yet, love MIT Hockey? Get your own MIT hockey gear. We have t-shirts and some old jerseys!
We rely on donations from alumni, friends, and family to maintain the quality of our program. Any amount helps keep us going on the ice.
You can donate to the MIT Women's Ice Hockey program through the Giving to MIT website. Your contributions are tax-deductible and will go directly to supporting us. Click on the icon below to donate now!