Dissemination of neurotechnologies is necessary for impact in basic and clinical neuroscience. The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering (CNBE) community will host a growing collection of video tutorials and educational materials on this website, to help end users to learn how to access and utilize technologies created by MIT CNBE groups. In addition, we welcome visitors to MIT CNBE laboratories to learn firsthand how select neurotechnologies are used. Via this program, members of over 200 research groups have already visited CNBE labs to learn specific technology skills, resulting in many neuroscientific firsts and achievements.

Click here for further information and an application form for the Visiting Program.

Current Neurotechnology Exchange visiting opportunities

Expansion microscopy (Boyden lab)
Advanced microscopy (So lab)
Chronic in vivo recording (Wilson lab)
Automated patch clamping (Boyden lab)
Primate optogenetics (Jazayeri lab)
Rodent optogenetics (Boyden lab)
Small animal functional MRI (Jasanoff lab)
CLARITY (Chung lab)

Video tutorials

Coming soon...

Video publications by CNBE laboratories

Micro-drive array for chronic in vivo recording: drive fabrication
Micro-drive array for chronic in vivo recording: tetrode assembly

Educational materials

Biological Instrumentation & Measurement (20.309/2.673)
Experimental Methods of Adjustable Tetrode Array Neurophysiology (9.96)
Introduction to Connectomics (9.691)
Neurotechnology Ventures (9.455/15.128/20.454/MAS.883)
Noninvasive Imaging in Biology & Medicine (22.56/20.483/HST.561/9.173)
Principles of Neuroengineering (9.422/20.452/MAS.881)
Representation & Modeling for Imaging Analysis (6.881)
Statistical Learning Theory & Applications (9.520)