Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Office of Engineering Outreach Programs
Building 1-123, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge 02139
617-253-8052 oeop@mit.edu
The CORE Program has been made possible by the generous support of our sponsors:
•484 Phi Alpha Foundation
•Boston Scientific Foundation
•LARS Foundation
The MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs (OEOP) is committed to raise the bar of student achievement in math, science, and engineering. External corporate, foundation and individual sponsorship is responsible for 100 percent of the program's operating budget.
If you, your company, or your foundation is interested in sponsoring one or more CORE students, please contact Executive Director Shawna Young at shawnay@mit.edu. A funding proposal will be sent to you upon request.
If you would like to make a personal contribution to our work in the CORE Program or the MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs, please send your check or money order to:
CORE Program
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Room 1-123
Cambridge, MA 02139