Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Office of Engineering Outreach Programs
Building 1-123, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge 02139
We encourage rising ninth and tenth graders to apply for a position in the CORE program. We accept approximately 10-20 students each summer. In order to be eligible for the CORE, the applicant must be a public school student in Boston, Cambridge or Lawrence and he or she must be free to participate from 10am to 3pm every day the program is in session. Accepted students will demonstrate a strong interest improving their math skills. CORE students must be willing to work in teams. Students will have one hour of homework each day of the program, which they are expected to complete.
The CORE program is provided free of charge to eligible students. Students are only eligible for admission if they are rising freshman or sophomore year the summer that they apply to the program. Admitted students will be eligible to apply for admission to the Saturday Engineering Enrichment & Discovery (SEED) Academy for continued participation and academic excellence.