To Participate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Office of Engineering Outreach Programs
Building 1-123, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge 02139
We encourage rising 8th, 9th and 10th graders to apply for a position in the Confronting Obstacles and Realizing Excellence (CORE) Program. This summer, we will have rolling admission. We anticipate admitting between 30-35 students.
The 2014 CORE Program will run from August 4 to August 15. CORE is provided free of charge to eligible students.
In order to be eligible for the CORE program, the applicant must be a public school student in either Boston or Cambridge, MA. He or she must be free to participate from 10am to 3pm Monday-Friday that CORE is in session. Accepted students will demonstrate a strong interest in increasing their math skills to be better prepared for the fall term. CORE students must be willing to work in teams. Students will have one hour of homework per day for the program, which they are expected to complete.
Download the 2014 CORE application.