To all subscribers to this conference:
The Zimbabwean Review is an English-language quarterly multi-disciplinary
magazine that aims to encourage free debate about art, culture and related
matters: to inform and entertain. It is therefore neither a purely scholarly
magazine nor a purely popular one. We cover a wide range of topics: so far,
however, we have had no one to review African cinema for us. Occasionally in
Zimbabwe we get film festivals of African films: this may not reflect what
is generally available and the films shown are of very poor quality so there
are scratches and crackles all the way through and colour and sound may
also be poor. (This is not true only of African films but of nearly all
including the latest British and American films ... what do they do to the
Our readership is small but growing. It consists of educated professional
but non-specialist Zimbabweans, Africanists in other parts of Africa and
in the world. A number of university libraries world-wide subscribe. If you
are knowledgeable about African cinema and would like to share this
knowledge by writing an article for this magazine, either about particular
films or about trends or general issues, please write to me and I can
send further details.
Carole Pearce
(Internet address:
In-Reply-To: 199608221629.MAA28716@dag.XC.Org