You don't know what it's like!
	Hyperactive twins!
	When they turned three, my doctor prescribed Ritalin--
	I wouldn't dream of giving drugs to my children,
	but it does help when I take it myself.
	I can't keep up with them.
	At some point, they looked at one another,
	realized there were two of them
	and only one of me.  Sometimes it gets so bad, I brew up some
	Sleepytime herb tea, pour it over ice, serve it in Spiderman
	glasses and
	tell them it's a new-flavor

	I feel so guilty as I watch their little heads nod out.

	Remember that rainy day last month I stayed home from the
	office, sick?
	They were unusually hyper.  That day, I was desperate.
	I said, "Do you want Mommy to teach you a new game?"

	And I actually dragged them out to my car in the pouring rain,
        put them in the backseat and told them,

	"Stay there and play car wash."

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