architectonics courseware
architectonics courseware
architectonics courseware
architectonics courseware

The Structures I Lab Exercises

These lab exercises are considered critical components of this course. They have been designed to facilitate the exploration and clarification of the conceptual and theoretical issues presented in the lectures. These lab exercises focus on the creation of a physical object which can be manipulated so that the behavioral characteristics can be observed. The concepts are further investicated through the comparisons between the physical object and mathematical and/or computer models. Each medium has distinct advantages and failings which should be discovered and exploited during the exploration of the architectonic design issues.

Every lab exercise has a description. Prompt lab attendance is critical since the exercise could be modified by the lab TA. Lab reports are due no later than the beginning of the following lab session unless otherwise announced. Clarity of thought, a lucid presentation and a concise description of the principle focus of each lab are crucial to a successful lab report. Each student is responsible for ensuring the timely submission of lab reports.

Copyright © 1996, 1997 Chris H. Luebkeman