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STS.S27: Maritime Technololgy and Society in the Ancient Mediterranean
Course Syllabus

Thurs. 3-5 pm, Building E51, room 361
Dr Aaron Brody
office: building E 38-308, DeepArch lab, Sea Grant College
office hours: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 1:30-3:00, drop-in, or by appointment
tel: 253-3496
e-mail: ( - once it's up and running)

Goals: Survey the history of maritime archaeology and technology from prehistoric times through the Roman period, with a focus on the ancient Mediterranean world. Course intended to introduce students to ancient ships, ship building, seafaring, harbors, trade and trading routes, and interconnections and influences between cultures transmitted across the seas; as well as provide an overview of Near Eastern, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman societies. Recent underwater archaeological discoveries will be highlighted and the technologies used for both shallow and deep-water excavation and exploration.

Requirements: class participation and presentations 50% (note: attendance required); research paper 50%.

Papers (rough draft due Monday, November 21st, in my office; final draft due Dec. 7 in class): research paper on approved maritime topic, 8-10 pages long, typed, double spaced, plus bibliography. Limit of 2 Internet sources per bibliography.


Casson, L. The Ancient Mariners. Princeton University Press, 1991.

Reserve reading: books and articles on reserve at the Hayden Reserve Book Room in the Humanities Library, building 145-200 (list at end of syllabus)

Fieldtrip: Deep Submergence Lab, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, to be scheduled

Lecture Syllabus and Reading Assignments

Sept. 6 - Introductory overview: review of course requirements and expectations, survey of maritime archaeology from prehistory through the Roman period.

    •Reserve reading: Muckelroy, Maritime Archaeology, pp. 3-23

Sept. 13 - The sources for maritime archaeology and history, methodological and theoretical considerations . The tools and techniques of underwater archaeology: shallow water and SCUBA accessible sites; deep sea archaeology and technology (guest speaker Brendan Foley, MIT DeepArch lab).

    •Textbook: Casson, Ancient Mariners, pp. 23-29, 170-76

    •Reserve reading: Muckelroy, Archaeology Under Water, pp. 12-31

    Ballard, McCann, et al, "The discovery of ancient history in the deep sea using advanced deep submergence technology."

Sept. 20 - Egyptian seafaring and the birth of the boat; long distance voyaging to Byblos and the land of Punt.

    •Textbook: Casson, Ancient Mariners, pp. 3-46

    •Reserve reading: Vinson, Egyptian Boats and Ships, pp. 7-45

    Delgado, Encyclopedia, "Dashur Boats," pp. 122-23 "Khufu Ship," pp. 222-223 "Lisht timbers," pp. 241-42

    Kemp & O'Connor, "An ancient Nile harbour.

Sept. 27 - Canaanite mariners: middlemen between Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Aegean. Sea conditions and some parameters of sailing in the eastern Mediterranean.

    •Reserve reading: Pulak, "The Uluburun Shipwreck: an Overview"

    Blue, "Cyprus and Cilicia: The Typology and Palaeogeography of Second Millennium Harbors," (consider similarities with Canaanite coastal harbors)

    Delgado, Encyclopedia, "Uluburun (shipwreck)," pp. 430-32; "Cape Gelidonya Wreck," pp. 84-86; "Bronze Age Stone Anchors," pp. 74-75

    Marcus, "By Land or by Sea in the Southeastern Mediterranean."

Oct. 4 - Cycladic and Minoan maritime civilizations; early seafaring cultures in the Aegean

    •Reserve reading: Casson, Ships and Seamanship, pp. 30-35

    Liritzis, "Seafaring, craft and cultural contact in the Aegean during the 3rd millennium BC."

    Shaw, "Bronze Age Aegean Harboursides."

    Morgan, The Miniature Wall Paintings of Thera, "Ships & Boats," and "The Nautical Procession," pp. 121-45

    Mantzourani & Theodorou, "An attempt to delineate the sea-routes between Crete and Cyprus during the Bronze Age."

Oct. 11 - Mycenaean Greeks and the sea. Collapse of the Late Bronze Age empires and the phenomenon of the "Sea Peoples" in the eastern Mediterranean.

    •Textbook: Casson, Ancient Mariners, pp. 44-54

    •Reserve reading: Liverani, "The Collapse of the Near Eastern Regional System at the End of the Late Bronze Age"

    Vichos and Lolos, "The Cypro-Mycenaean Wreck at Point Iria"

    Wachsmann, "Mycenaean/Achaean Ships,"

    Wachsmann, "Were the Sea Peoples Mycenaeans? The Evidence of Ship Iconography,"

    Stager, "The Impact of the Sea Peoples in Canaan."

Oct. 18 - Bronze Age Cyprus, the hub of eastern Mediterranean maritime trade (class meeting at Harvard University, based around exhibit of ancient Cypriot artifacts at the Harvard Semitic Museum)

    •Reserve reading: Muhly, "Cyprus."

Oct. 25 - Greek and Phoenician dominance of the Iron Age Mediterranean: focus on the Phoenicians

    •Textbook: Casson, Ancient Mariners, 55-80; 81-96; 116-26

    Sherratt & Sherratt, "The Growth of the Mediterranean Economy in the Early First Millennium BC"

    Bartoloni, "Ships and Navigation," (Phoenician)

    Frost, Under the Mediterranean, pp. 65-114 (Phoenician harbors)

    Muckelroy, Archaeology Under Water, pp. 170-71 ("The Carthaginians excavate their harbors")

Nov. 1 - Greek and Phoenician dominance of the Iron Age Mediterranean: focus on the Greeks.

    •Textbook: Casson, Ancient Mariners, pp. 97-115

    •Reserve reading: Pomey, "Navigation and Ships in the Age of Greek Colonization"

    Prontera, "Maritime Communications," (Greek)

    Casson, Ships and Seamanship, pp. 43-96, 157-82, 361-70

Nov. 8 - Etruscan seafarers: partners and competetors of the Phoenicians and Greeks in the western Mediterranean

    •Reserve reading: Bruno, "The Mystery of the Etruscan Coastline,"

    Delgado, Encyclopedia, pp. 169-71 (Giglio wreck)

    Hagy, "800 years of Etruscan ships."

    McCann, Bourgeois, & Will, "Underwater Excavations at the Etruscan Port of Populonia."

Nov. 15 - NO CLASS (Prof. Brody at professional conference)

Nov. 21 - DRAFT OF RESEARCH PAPERS DUE in my office, E 38-308


Nov. 29 - Roman domination of the Mediterranean: focus on the port of Cosa and deep water wrecks from Skerki Bank [guest lecturer, Dr. Anna Marguerite McCann]

  • Textbook: Casson, Ancient Mariners, pp. 127-69, 198-212
  • Reserve reading: McCann, "The Roman Port of Cosa," pp. 102-109

McCann, "Amphoras from the Deep Sea: Ancient Shipwrecks between Carthage and Rome."

McCann and Freed, Deep Water Archaeology

Dec. 7 - Conclusions, FINAL DRAFT OF RESEARCH PAPER DUE in class



Ballard, R.D, A.M. McCann, et al, "The discovery of ancient history in the deep sea using advanced deep submergence technology." Deep-Sea Research I 47, 2000, pp. 1591-1620.

Bartoloni, P. "Ships and Navigation." Pp. 72-77 in S. Moscati, ed. The Phoenicians. Milan: 1988.

Blue, L. "Cyprus and Cilicia: The Typology and Palaeogeography of Second Millennium Harbors." Pp. 31-43 in Res Maritimae, eds. S. Swiny, et al. Atlanta: 1997.

Bruno, V. "The Mystery of the Etruscan Coastline." Archaeology, July 1973, pp. 198-212.

Casson, L. The Ancient Mariners. Princeton: 1991 (textbook).

Casson, L. Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.

Delgado, J. ed. The Encyclopedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology. London: 1997.

Frost, H. Under the Mediterranean. Englewood Cliffs: 1963.

Hagy, J.W. "800 years of Etruscan ships." The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 15/3, 1986, pp. 221-50.

Kemp, B. and D. O'Connor, "An ancient Nile harbour: University Museum excavations at the 'Birket Habu'." The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration 3/1, 1974, pp. 101-36.

Liritzis, V.M. "Seafaring, craft and cultural contact in the Aegean during the 3rd millennium BC." The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 17/3, 1988, pp. 237-256.

Liverani, M. "The Collapse of the Near Eastern Regional System at the End of the Late Bronze Age: the Case of Syria." Pp. 66-73 in Centre and Periphery in the Ancient World. Cambridge: 1987

Mantzourani, E.K. & A.J. Theodorou. "An attempt to delineate the sea-routes between Crete and Cyprus during the Bronze Age." Pp. 39-56 in The Civilizations of the Aegean and their Diffusion in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean, 2000-600 B.C., ed. V. Karageorghis. Larnaca: Pierides Foundation, 1991.

Marcus, E. "By Land or by Sea in the Southeastern Mediterranean." Pp. 90-123 in Maritime Trade in the Southern Levant from Earliest Times Through the Middle Bronze IIA Period. PhD, Oxford University, 1998.

McCann, A. M. "The Roman Port of Cosa." Scientific American, 256/3, 1988, pp. 102-109.

McCann, A.M. "Amphoras from the Deep Sea: Ancient Shipwrecks between Carthage and Rome." Rei Cretariae Romanae Favtorvm Acta 36, 2000, pp. 443-48.

McCann, A.M., J. Bourgeois, & E.L. Will. "Underwater Excavations at the Etruscan Port of Populonia." Journal of Field Archaeology 4, 1977, pp. 275-96.

McCann, A. M. and J. Freed. Deep Water Archaeology. Journal of Roman Archaeology, suppl. ser. 13., 1993

Morgan, L. The Miniature Wall Paintings of Thera, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Muckelroy, K. Maritime Archaeology. London, 1977.

Muckelroy, K. Archaeology Under Water. New York, 1980.

Muhly, J. "Cyprus." Pp. 89-96 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, vol. 2, E.M. Meyers, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

Pomey, P. "Navigation and Ships in the Age of Greek Colonization." Pp. 133-40 in The Greek World, G. P. Carratelli, ed. New York: 1996.

Prontera, F. "Maritime Communications." Pp. 201-208 in The Greek World, G. P. Carratelli, ed. New York: 1996.

Pulak, C. "The Uluburun Shipwreck: an Overview." The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 27/3, 1998, pp. 188-224.

Shaw, J. "Bronze Age Aegean Harboursides." Pp. 420-36 in Thera and the Aegean World III, ed. D.A. Hardy. London: The Thera Foundation, 1990.

Sherratt, S. & A. Sherratt, "The Growth of the Mediterranean Economy in the Early First Millennium BC." World Archaeology 24/3, 1993, pp. 361-78.

Stager, L.E. "The Impact of the Sea Peoples in Canaan (1185-1050 BCE)." Pp. 332-48 in The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, T.E. Levy, ed. Facts on File: New York, 1995.

Vichos, Y. and Y. Lolos. "The Cypro-Mycenaean Wreck at Point Iria in the Argolic Gulf: First Thoughts on the Origin and the Nature of the Vessel." Pp. 321-35 in Res Maritimae, eds. S. Swiny, et al. Atlanta: 1997.

Vinson, S. Egyptian Boats and Ships. Shire Publications: 1994.

Wachsmann, S. "Were the Sea Peoples Mycenaeans? The Evidence of Ship Iconography." Pp. 339-56 in Res Maritimae, eds. S. Swiny, et al. Atlanta: 1997.

Wachsmann, S. "Mycenaean/Achaean Ships." Pp. 123-61 in Seagoing Ships and Seamanship in the Bronze Age Levant. Texas A & M University Press, 1998.



Deep Water Archaeology Research Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave. Rm e51-194
Cambridge, MA 02139




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