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You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read many of these files (as they are in PDF format). You can download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat here. PUBLICATIONS - REFEREED O’Rourke, Dara (under review), “Outsourcing Regulation: Analyzing Non-Governmental Systems of Labor Standards and Monitoring,” Policy Studies Journal. O’Rourke, Dara and Eungkyoon Lee (under review), “Mandatory Planning for Environmental Innovation,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. O’Rourke, Dara and Gregg Macey (under review), “Community Environmental Policing: Assessing New Strategies of Public Participation in Environmental Regulation,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. O’Rourke, Dara (forthcoming 2002), “Motivating a Conflicted Environmental State: Community Driven Regulation in Vietnam,” in A.P.J. Mol and F.H. Buttel (eds.) The Environmental State Under Pressure, Social Problems and Public Policies Series, Amsterdam: Elsevier. O’Rourke, Dara (forthcoming 2002), “Monitoring the Monitors: A Critique of Corporate Third-Party Labor Monitoring,” in Rhys Jenkins, Ruth Pearson and Gill Seyfang (eds.) Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Trade: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy, London: Earthscan. O'Rourke, Dara (2001), "Community-Driven Regulation: Towards an Improved Model of Environmental Regulation in Vietnam," in Peter B. Evans (ed.), Livable Cities: The Politics of Urban Livelihood and Sustainability, Berkeley: University of California Press. Sabel, Charles, Dara O'Rourke and Archon Fung (2000), "Ratcheting Labor Standards: Regulation for Continuous Improvement in the Global Workplace," Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, Social Protection Discussion Paper No.11. Fung, Archon and Dara O'Rourke, (2000) "Reinventing Environmental Regulation from the Grassroots Up: Explaining and Expanding the Success of the Toxics Release Inventory," Environmental Management, vol. 25, no. 2, pp.:115-127. O'Rourke, Dara, Lloyd Connelly, and C.P. Koshland, (1996) "Industrial Ecology: A Critical Review," International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 6, Nos. 2/3, pp. 89-112. Sikor, Thomas O. and Dara O'Rourke, (1996) "Economic and Environmental Dynamics of Reform in Vietnam," Asian Survey, Berkeley CA, Vol. XXXVI, No. 6, June, pp. 601-617. O'Rourke, Dara, (1995) "Economics, Environment and Equity: Policy Integration During Development in Vietnam," Berkeley Planning Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 15-35. PUBLICATIONS - NON-REFEREED O’Rourke, Dara (2002), “The Implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the Functioning of National Contact Points,” Discussion Paper for the OECD Meeting of the Trade Union Advisory Committee, Paris, June 17th, 2002. Brown, Garrett, Dara O’Rourke, and Betty Szudy (2002), “China Capacity Building Project on Occupational Health and Safety,” May 29, 2002, report available at: http://www.igc.org/mhssn/ O’Rourke, Dara (2001), “Sweatshops 101: Lessons in Monitoring Apparel Production Around the World,” Dollars and Sense, cover article, September/October. O'Rourke, Dara, (2001), "To fix sweatshop conditions in factories, we must listen to workers," The Boston Globe, Op-ed page, February 27th, 2001. Fung, Archon, Dara O'Rourke, and Chuck Sabel (2001), "Realizing Labor Standards," The Boston Review, New Democracy Forum, February, 2001. O'Rourke, Dara (2000), "Monitoring the Monitors: A Critique of PricewaterhouseCooper's Labor Monitoring," white paper, released Sept. 28, 2000. Sabel, Charles, Dara O'Rourke, and Archon Fung, (2000) "Ratcheting Labor Standards: How Open Competition Can Save Ethical Sourcing," in (ed.) R. Thamotheram, Visions of Ethical Sourcing, London: Financial Times Prentice Hall. O'Rourke, Dara and Garrett Brown (1999), "Beginning to Just Do It: Current Workplace and Environmental Conditions at the Tae Kwang Vina Nike Shoe Factory in Vietnam," report released March 14, 1999, available on the Internet at: www.globalexchange.org/economy/corporations/nike/vt.html O'Rourke, Dara (1998), "Vietnam's Reforms and Economic Growth," by Charles Harvie and Tran Van Hoa, book review, Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. O'Rourke, Dara, (1997) Smoke from a Hired Gun: A Critique of Nike's Labor and Environmental Auditing in Vietnam as Performed by Ernst & Young, report published by the Transnational Resource and Action Center: San Francisco, November 10th, available on the Internet at: www.corpwatch.org/trac/nike/ernst/ Karliner, Joshua, Alba Morales, and Dara O'Rourke, (1997) "The Barons of Bromide: The Corporate Forces Behind Toxic Poisoning and Ozone Depletion," The Ecologist, Vol. 27, No. 3, May/June, pp. 90-98. O'Rourke, Dara, (1996) "Is Sustainable Development Sustainable?" Boston Book Review, Cambridge, MA, July/August. Fung, Archon, Penn Loh, and Dara O'Rourke, (1996) "Out of the Darkness: A Response to Richard Flacks' 'Reflections on Strategy in a Dark Time,'" Boston Review. Vol. 21, No. 1, Feb/March: 10. O'Rourke, Dara, (1996) "Hinting at the Counter-Revolution," Boston Book Review, Cambridge, MA, March. O'Rourke, Dara, et al., (1995) "Environment and Industrial Renovation in Vietnam: A Report from Vinh Phu Province," Institute of International Studies Working Paper, Berkeley, CA:IIS. Sikor, Thomas O. and Dara O'Rourke, (1995) "A Tiger in Search of a New Path: The Economic and Environmental Dynamics of Reform in Viet Nam," Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Hanoi, No. 4, Winter, 1995, pp. 35-52. O'Rourke, Dara, (1995) "Rent, Lease, or Own - Academia on the Block," Boston Book Review, Cambridge, MA, September. O'Rourke, Dara, (1993) "Worker Health Hazards at Seagate," Multinational Monitor, Washington, D.C., November. O'Rourke, Dara, (1992) "Alternatives to Ozone Depleting Substances in Solvent Cleaning," Greenpeace International, Washington, D.C., June. O'Rourke, Dara, (1992) "Green Tide - Bagging Honduras," Z Magazine, Boston, MA, March. O'Rourke, Dara, (1991) "Conservation and Recycling Practices for CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform," U.S. EPA, June.
Copyright © Dara O'Rourke, 2001, All Rights Reserved. Please
send comments to dorourke@mit.edu.