The MIT Campus Map has instructions to find your way to campus and park.
Building 4 is part of MIT's main campus complex. From the 77 Massachusetts Avenue entrance, walk East through the Infinite Corridor and turn right. From Killian Court on Memorial Drive, enter at Building 2 or 4 and walk through. From Main or Vassar Street, enter at the glass passage between Buildings 56 and 66, walk West through Building 16 and turn left.
Building 56 is just south of the Stata Center on Vassar and Main Streets, and just west of Building 66 on Ames Street. From the East Garage Lot, you can enter either building through the 4-story glass connector between them. From Ames Street, you can enter Building 66 and walk through to 56. Vassar Street is one block west of Ames Street and Building NE-25 (which contains Legal Seafood) along Main Street in Kendall Square.
Campus ParkingMany MIT lots open to the public on weekdays after 3PM and on weekends from Friday 3PM to Monday 8AM. The East Garage Annex between Buildings 32 and 68 directly off Main Street is closest to our usual meeting and seminar locations.