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Project Gallery

Project Gallery


Provides a hands-on introduction to the field of ocean engineering by placing an interactive aquarium display screen in the MIT Hart Nautical Gallery.

LAMP (Library Access to Music Project)

Accesses a large repository of recorded music—both classical and contemporary—allowing students to share a music collection legally and efficiently through the MIT cable network.

Magic Paper

Proposes having computers understand the messy free-hand sketches, casual gestures, and fragmentary utterances drawn on Tablet PCs, so the information can be manipulated by other applications for simulation, design checking and completion, or refinement.

Mars Gravity

Encompasses the design, construction, launch, and recovery of a low-Earth orbiting satellite to study the effects of Martian-level gravity on mammals. It is a collaboration among students from MIT, the University of Washington, and the University of Queensland/Australia.


Provides a flexible online environment to create, annotate, and share media-rich documents for core humanistic subjects. Supports both cross-discipline communities and subject-specific mini-archives. Open standards platform ensures interoperability with a wide range of current and future media resources.

MISTI -China

Gives young scientists, technologists, and managers (nearly 400 since 1994) the chance to participate on site in the rapidly expanding world of Chinese business and technology. Currently, three teams are teaching iLabs and xTutor at four Chinese universities.


Makes virtually all of MIT's undergraduate and graduate course materials available on the Web, free of charge, to any user anywhere in the world. Materials may be used, copied, distributed, translated, and modified, for non-commercial educational purposes.

Open Health

Strives to design and implement a data entry and analysis system to hold patient information. Its primary community partner is the Community Home-Based Care program run by the Catholic Archdiocese.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
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