
To register for the meeting and dinner please complete the following form.

Last name:
First name:
Will attend the reception (no charge): Yes   No
Will attend the dinner ($50): Yes   No

Registration fee is $75, payable to Hampton University.

Please use the link below to pay via credit card or send check to:

	    Hampton University
	    c/o Kimberly Wilson (memo: Electron-Ion Collider Workshop)
	    Physics Department
	    Hampton, VA 23668

To complete the registration procedure and to pay for the meeting and dinner please follow this link to the Hampton University Registration Page.

Current list of attendees:

Name  Affiliation  Reception  Dinner 
Albayrak, Ibrahim Hampton University Yes No
Accardi, Alberto Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Afanasiev, Andrei Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Bruell, Antje Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Bueltmann, Stephen ODU No No
Chen, Chenhua Hampton University No No
Chirilli, Giovanni Antonio JLAB & ODU Yes No
Christy, Eric Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Dunlop, James Brookhaven National Laboratory Yes Yes
Ent, Rolf Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Farhaondeh, Manoucher DOE Office of Nuclear Physics Yes No
Guzey, Vadim Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Hasell, Douglas MIT Yes Yes
Horn, Tanja Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Huber, Garth University of Regina Yes No
Hyde, Charles Universite Blaise Pacal/ODU Yes Yes
Jiang, Xiaodong Los Alamos Nat. Lab Yes Yes
Keppel, Cynthia HU/Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Kohl, Michael Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Li, Ya Hampton University Yes No
Litvinenko, Vladimir Brookhaven National Laboratory Yes Yes
Montag, Christoph BNL Yes Yes
Okorokov, Vitaly Moscow Eng/Phys Institute No No
Pate, Stephen New Mexico State University No Yes
Paul, Peter Stony Brook/BNL Yes No
Pushpakumari, Anusha Hampton University Yes No
Tuchin, Kirill Iowa State University Yes Yes
Vogelsang, Werner BNL Yes Yes
Walton, Tammy Hampton University Yes No
Ye, Zhihong Ye Hampton University No No
Zhang, Yuhong Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Zhu, Lingyan Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Jayalath, Chandana Hampton University Yes No
Schneekloth, Uwe DESY Yes No
Yamagishi, Masao Hampton University Yes No
Seidl, Ralf RBRC Yes Yes
Weiss, Christian Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Roser, Thomas BNL Yes No
Rogers, Ted The Pennsylvania State University Yes Yes
Vigdor, Steve BNL Yes Yes
Ludlam, Thomas BNL No Yes
Lamont, Matthew BNL Yes Yes
Pozdeyev, Eduard BNL Yes No
Jacobs, Peter LBNL No Yes
Barber, Desmond DESY and University of Liverpool Yes Yes
Ptitsyn, Vadim Brookhaven National Laboratory Yes Yes
Lajoie, John Iowa State University Yes Yes
tschalaer, chris MIT/Bates Yes No
Hasch, Delia INFN-Frascati Yes Yes
Holt, Roy Argonne National Laboratory No No
Seger, Janet Creighton University No No
Aidala, Christine UMass Amherst Yes Yes
Derbenev, Yaroslav Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Owens, Jeff Florida State University Yes Yes
Redwine, Robert MIT No Yes
Negele, John MIT No Yes
Tsentalovich, Evgeni MIT/Bates Yes No
Grames, Joseph JLAB Yes No
Poelker, Matt JLab Yes No
Kayran, Dmitry BNL Yes No
Bacchetta, Alessandro Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Kinney, Edward University of Colorado Yes Yes
Solvignon, Patricia Argonne National Laboratory No No
roblin, yves Jefferson Lab Yes No
Lorenzon, Wolfgang Michigan Yes No
Reinhold, Joerg Florida International University Yes No
Mcilhany, Kevin USNA Yes No
Thomas, Anthony JLab Yes No
Witt, Richard USNA Yes No
Bogacz, Alex Jefferson Lab Yes
Liu, Chuyu Jefferson Lab Yes No
Deshpande, Abhay Stony Brook Yes No
Ludlam, Thomas BNL Yes
Wang, Fuhua MIT/Bates Yes No
Bacchetta, Alessandro Jefferson Lab Yes Yes
Venugopalan, Raju Brookhaven National Lab Yes Yes
Kamal Sayed, Hisham ODU/JLAB Yes No
Wang, Xin-Nian LBNL Yes Yes
Chevtsov, Pavel Jefferson Lab Yes
Bai, Mei BNL Yes No
Bai, Mei BNL Yes No
Bai, Mei BNL Yes No
Masuzawa, Mika KEK Yes No
Tengsirivattana, Chaivat Jlab/UVa Yes No
Kowalski, Henri DESY Yes Yes
Bai, Mei BNL Yes No
Stasto, Anna Penn State Yes No
Wissink, Scott Indiana University Yes Yes
Rai, Gulshan DOE Nuclear Physics Yes No
Aschenauer, Elke-Caroline JLab Yes Yes
Rosner, Guenther University of Glasgow Yes Yes
Chattopadhyay, Swapan The Cockcroft Institute No No
Bianchi, Nicola INFN Frascati No No
Cuevas, Chris Jefferson Lab No No
Deconinck, Wouter MIT No No
Milner, Richard MIT Yes Yes
derrick, malcolm ANL Yes Yes
Chen, Jian-ping Jefferson Lab No No
Merminga, Lia Jefferson Lab Yes No
Golge, Serkan ODU/JLAB No No
Melnitchouk, Wally Jefferson Lab No No
Gasparian, Ashot NC A&T State University Yes No
Montgomery, Hugh Jefferson Science Associates No No
Cuevas, Chris Jefferson Lab Yes No
Qian, Xin Duke University No No
Sabio Vera, Agustin CERN Yes Yes
brindza, paul Jefferson lab No No
Chudakov, Eugene Jefferson Lab No No
Brindza, Paul Jefferson Lab No No
Wood, Steve Jefferson Lab No No
Sichtermann, Ernst Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory No No
Surrow, Bernd MIT No Yes
Poeschl, Roman LAL Orsay No No
Richards, David Jefferson Laboratory No No
smith, mary bnl No Yes
mselmrwh, mselmrwh JPSiSDVupaORgPQ No Yes
tjwfhhzyo, tjwfhhzyo SgDVByoxaHJx No No
brwckewhpqf, brwckewhpqf OPITycobANPLi No No
BraxskQlyTQhGI, idrphqqe tacLbGvkWBx No Yes
Juarez, Latasha answer this topic
Jones, Clarice reply
nzdUHhyunXkrkGGS, luidji FmwraIiHtHhJbQLZmB No No
qlimaikmhch, qlimaikmhch deTACdCOkoTVJ No No
KvdmeQBELwl, Bradley RsGpTDEfMDyBvpoYh Yes No
MNmNdfEWVARFZ, ejmpcgqsf EuSWUmggOvkyjR Yes Yes
aCfqYcFsfqgRMyyGB, euckysveuv pqBURBNZoJyPXEVCvDz No Yes
azVxxjoRuhp, zefqxbhe KblhyZWPXgDknFWFT Yes No
Limo Service, Boston No No