
ARTICLE 1: Name of Organization

The name of this organization shall be the Irish Association of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

ARTICLE 2: Purpose

The purpose of the Irish Association of MIT is to promote and celebrate Irish culture at MIT, create a network for Irish students and scholars at MIT and serve as a link between MIT and Irish Companies, Universities and Associations.

ARTICLE 3: Membership

1. Any member of the MIT community is eligible to become a member of this organization.
2. The membership of this organization will at all times contain at least five MIT students and be more than a half MIT students.
3. To be a member of this organization, one must attend at least one meeting and one activity per year.
4. The organization will always comply with MIT's Non-Discrimination Statement.
5. If this organization charges any monetary dues, there will be exceptions made for students that cannot afford these dues.

ARTICLE 4: Officers

This organization will have a number of officers that will carry out the duties of the society:
A. President: The President shall chair all meetings of the Association. He will be responsible for organizing all activities of the Club. He will be the official representative of the Club at all functions.
B. Vice President/Chairperson: The VP/Chairperson shall assist the president in the organization of activities. He shall represent the president whenever necessary and chair and organize the committee meetings of the group.
D. Treasurer: The treasurer shall prepare the budget for the academic year, present it to the Club members and assess dues accordingly. It will be his responsibility to handle the finances of the Club.
C. Secretary: The Secretary shall handle all the correspondence of the Club. It will be his responsibility to inform all the members of the time of meetings and functions of the Club.
D. Seminar Speaker Coordinator: The Seminar Speaker coordinator will be in charge of the planning, management and organization of speakers events for this incoming year.
E. Officer at Large: The responsibilities of the Officer at Large will be relegated as needed.

ARTICLE 5: Elections.

1. Any active member is eligible to vote in the elections if he/she has paid his/her dues thirty (30) days before the election date. To be eligible for office, the candidate shall be a full member of the Irish Association of MIT and a member of the MIT community. Only MIT students and scholars shall be eligible to serve as officers to the Irish Association of MIT.
2. Elections shall be called by the Executive Committee; they shall be held between April 15 and May 15 (included) of each year. The duties of the new Executive Committee shall begin seven (7) days after the elections at which time the outgoing Executive Committee must transfer all relevant documents in its possession.
3. The Executive Committee shall notify all active members, at least fifteen (15) days in advance, of the exact date and place of the elections meeting, as well as of the number of active members eligible to vote in the elections.
4. The candidates shall notify the Executive Committee in writing until five (5) days before the election date. Active members can become candidates as part of a list covering all the positions in the Executive Committee.
5. The elections shall take place during a regular General Assembly meeting or one specifically scheduled for that purpose. Alternatively, the Executive Committee can schedule elections to take place on the MIT campus in a regular day of classes from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The counting of the votes shall take place immediately after the closing of the ballot in the presence of each candidate.
6. There shall be no voting by proxy or mail.

ARTICLE 6: Meetings.

1. Meetings shall be held at least every two months, and may coincide with a group activity.
2. Meetings shall be presided over by the President, unless he or she is absent, and in that case the Treasurer shall preside.
3. Quorum for the meeting shall be one quarter of the members of this organization.

ARTICLE 7: Amendments.

1. Amendments shall be presented by any member of this organization.
2. Amendments shall be passed by a two thirds voted of the members present.
3. Quorum for amending this Constitution shall be one third of all members of this organization.

ARTICLE 8: ASA Governance Clause.

The Irish Association Society of MIT agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities, and its executive board. This Constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Board to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations

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