October-December 1998 Issue
"Straw-Based Insulation for Pakistan:
Addressing the Needs of Developing Regions"
Glicksman, L., L. Norford, H. Harvey, J. Charlson, and G. Sullivan.
"Improving building efficiency in developing countries: case study of
insulation for northern Pakistan." Proceedings of the American Council for
an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, v. 5, August 23-28, 1998.
Washington, DC: ACEEE, 1998.
Harvey, H., J. Charlson, L. Norford, and L. Glicksman. Development of
Low-Cost Straw Insulation Board. Submitted to International Journal of
HVAC&R Research, 1998. 26 pages. $10.00
Harvey, H., L. Glicksman, L. Norford, and J. Charlson. Development of Straw
Insulation Board: Fabrication, Testing, Performance Modeling. Submitted for
the Proceedings of the ASHRAE/BTECC/DOE Conference on The Thermal
Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings III, Clearwater Beach,
Florida, December 7-11, 1998. 20 pages. $10.00
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