Information about EVs

What is an electric vehicle?

An electric vehicle (EV) is a vehicle that is powered, at least in part, by electricity. EV configurations include battery electric vehicles (BEVs) which are powered by 100% electric energy, various hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs): More information.

Electric Vehicles 101:Download the presentation.

What is the environmental impact of an EV?

As green vehicle technologies become more popular and enter the market, consumers have questions about the validity of their environmental impact. Compared to conventional, internal combustion engine (ICE), vehicles; do EVs actually use less energy and emit less carbon dioxide (CO2)? To answer this question, analyses have been conducted that account for all of the energy consumed and green house gases (GHG) emitted from the time a vehicles energy source leaves the well to the time it is consumed by the vehicle, known as well to wheel (WTW) analysis: More information

How is the fuel economy of an EV calculated?

Energy efficiency of electric vehicles is generally expressed as Watt-hours per mile (Wh/mi). In order to compare this value to a fuel economy number for a conventional vehicle, it must be expressed in miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent (mpgge). To calculate a full cycle equivalent fuel economy, additional factors must be used to account for battery charging and electricity generation and transmission: More information

What do battery specifications actually mean?

Battery technology is the core enabling technology for EVs. Terms like C-rate, capacity, specific energy, state of charge and high power are used to characterize batteries. But what do these terms actually mean? And how do they related to vehicle performance, efficiency, range, and life? This summary sheet provides a basic background on batteries for EVs, defines the variables used to characterize battery operating conditions, and describes the manufacturer specifications used to characterize battery nominal and maximum characteristics: More information

How does EVT compare to other Porsche 914 conversions?

The Porsche 914 is a common vehicle for EV conversions because of its robust chassis, large amount of storage space throughout the vehicle (the Porsche 914 was a mid-engined vehicle), and fun design. In addition, a conversion kit specifically for the Porsche 914 can be purchased online. This summary sheet compares the components and performance of the EVT Porsche BEV to other conversions: More information

What are the policies affecting EVs?

The US has many laws regarding electric vehicles. The U.S. government funds research and development programs that work to further EV and Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) technologies. The Federal government and all but two states have laws to promote the use, purchase, and sale of BEVs and HEVs. California is, by far, the leader in AFV incentive laws: More information

What does the future hold for EVs?

As new electric vehicles enter automotive markets in a big way, companies will learn much more about warrantee costs, lifetime, vehicle performance over time, and user satisfaction. The growing market for electric drive will continue to spur innovation in battery technology and charging infrastructure. We can see where some of challenges that have yet to be overcome. Perhaps the largest one will be non-technical. The biggest challenge that remains for the acceptance of electric vehicles is simply education of the driving public: More information
