14. Fields


Fields are the mechanism used to manage state in classes. A single field encapsulates three concepts:

  1. Storage: a memory location to store a reference to the field's value
  2. Getter: a method to get the field
  3. Setter: a method to set the field

The key concept in Fantom is that all fields automatically use a getter and setter method (there are a couple exceptions to this rule we will discuss below). In Java fields are simply a storage location. Most Java programmers then wrap the field in a getter and setter method resulting in a huge amount of bloated, boiler plate code. Then all access is done through a method call which is not exactly the prettiest syntax for field access. C# is better in that properties are first class language constructs. However management of storage is still done via a field and all the same boiler plate code is required. These design patterns used in Java and C# don't capture programmer intent very cleanly. The vast majority of these accessors are boiler plate code that don't actually do anything other than get and set the field. Plus it requires multiple language constructs to model one logical construct - this makes documentation a pain.

Simple Fields

In the simplest case, field declarations look just like Java or C#:

class Thing
  Int id := 0
  Str? name

In the example above id and name are instance fields on the class Thing. We use the := operator to provide an initial value for the field which is automatically assigned before the constructor is executed. If an initial value is not provided, then all fields default to null with the exception of value-types.

We access fields using the . operator:

thing := Thing()
thing.name = "bob"

In the code above, a getter or setter is not explicitly specified, so they are automatically generated by the compiler. All access to the field is through the getter and setter method. So the code thing.name is really a method call to the name getter method. This enables you to later add an explicit accessor without requiring a recompile of all the client code to your API.

You can also the ?. operator to safely handle a null target. See safe invokes.

Note: if you don't provide a getter or setter on a non-virtual field, then the compiler will optimize field access internal to your pod. So inside your pod, accessor methods are only used if you declare explicit accessors. Outside your pod, accessor methods are always used for non-const fields. Abstract and virtual fields always use accessors.

Accessor Methods

The syntax for declaring a getter or setter is similar to C# properties:

class Thing
  Int id := 0
    get { echo("get id"); return &id }
    set { echo("set id"); &id = it }

The accessor section is denoted by a {} block after the initial value assignment (or after the field identifier if no initial value). You can declare both get and set - or if you just declare one, then the other is automatically generated.

Inside the setter, the it keyword references the new value being assigned to the field. If you need to use it inside a closure, then assign to a local variable:

set { newVal := it; 3.times { echo(newVal) }; this.&f = newVal }

The & storage operator is used to access the raw storage of the field (think about like C dereference operator). The & operator is used when you wish to access the storage location of the field without going through the accessor method. You can use the & operator in any of your class's methods, but only the declaring class is permitted direct access using the & operator (it is like storage is always private scoped). Inside the accessor itself you are required to use the & operator (otherwise you would likely end up with infinite recursion).

Note that := field initialization always sets storage directly without calling the setter method (see below for an exception to this rule).

Calculated Fields

In most cases, the compiler automatically declares storage memory for your field. However if the compiler detects that a field's storage is never accessed then no memory is allocated. We call these calculated fields. Calculated fields must declare both an explicit getter and setter which does not use the & operator to access the field. Note that assigning an initial value using := implicitly uses the storage operator and will allocate storage.

Const Fields

The keyword const can be applied to your fields to indicate that the field is immutable:

class Thing
  new make(Int id) { this.id = id }
  const Int id

In the example above, id is an const instance field. Const instance fields can only be set in a constructor. They work a little different than Java final fields - you can set them as many times as you like (or let them default to null), but you can't assign to them outside of the construction process.

Fantom also allows const instance fields to be set during the construction process via an it-block:

class Thing
  new make(|This f|? f := null) { if (f != null) f(this) }
  const Str name

t := Thing { name = "Brian" }   // ok
t { name = "Andy" }             // throws ConstErr

Inside of it-blocks, the check for setting a const field is moved from compile-time to run-time. The compiler will allow any it-block to set a const field on it. However, if an attempt is made to call the it-block outside of the constructor then ConstErr is thrown. This gives you flexibility to build APIs which capture a snippet of code used to modify an immutable class.

Const instance fields may also configured during deserialization via the InStream.readObj method.

The value of all const fields must be immutable. This guarantees that all const fields reference an instance which will not change state.

Const fields do not use accessor methods. It is a compile time error to declare accessors on a const field. All field access is performed directly against storage.

Const fields cannot be declared abstract or virtual. However a const field can override a virtual method with no parameters. But const fields cannot override fields since that would imply the field could be set. Example of using this technique to use a pre-calcualted string for Obj.toStr:

const class Something
  new make(...) { toStr = "..." }
  override const Str toStr

Static Fields

The keyword static is used to create a static class level field:

class Thing
  const static Int nullId := 0xffff

The field nullId is a const static field - there is only one global instance on the class itself. Const static fields can only be set in static initializers. Static fields must be const - this ensures thread safety. Static fields are accessed using the . operator on the class itself:


Protection Scope

You can use the normal slot protection scope keywords with a field: public, protected, internal, and private. The default is public if a keyword is omitted.

You can narrow the scope of the setter as follows:

class Thing
  Int id { protected set }
  Str name { internal set { &name = it } }

In the example above the fields id and name are publicly scoped. We've narrowed the scope of the id setter to be protected. Because there is no method body for the setter of id, then the compiler auto generates one. The declaration for name shows narrowing the scope and declaring an explicit setter.

Only a protection scope keyword may be used with a setter. The getter is always the protection scope of the field itself by definition. It is a compile time error to use keywords like const, virtual, or abstract on an individual getter or setter.

Readonly Fields

It is quite common to publically expose a field's getter, but to hide the setter. This can be done by narrowing the field's setter to be private as the following code illustrates:

class Thing
  Int id { private set }
  internal Int count { private set }

Virtual Fields

Instance fields may be declared virtual which allows subclasses to override the getter and setter methods:

class Thing
  virtual Int id := 0

class NewThing : Thing
  override Int id
    get { echo("NewThing.id get"); return super.id }
    set { echo("NewThing.id set"); super.id = it }

class AnotherThing : Thing
  override Int id := 100

In this example Thing.id is virtual which allows subclasses to override its getter and setter method (in this case Thing.id accessors are auto generated by the compiler). The class NewThing overrides the accessors for id to add some tracing, then calls the superclass accessors. Note that the overridden field must specify the override keyword and must be use the same type (covariance is not supported).

Overridden fields are not given their own storage, rather they should delegate to their superclass accessors using the super keyword. In the case that an override requires its own storage, you should declare another field to use as storage.

In the example above, the class AnotherThing overrides Thing.id by providing a different default value. Since no explicit getter or setter is specified, the compiler automatically generates accessors. However the accessors for AnotherThing.id call super.id rather than access storage directly. Also note that when an overridden field specifies an initial value, the field is initialized via its virtual setter rather than direct storage.

Abstract Fields

A field may be declared abstract:

abstract class Thing
  abstract Int id

class NewThing : Thing
  override Int id := 0

An abstract field is basically just an abstract getter and setter that a subclass must override. Abstract fields have no storage and cannot have an initial value. Overrides of abstract fields are given storage accessed via the & operator (this is different than overriding a normal virtual field).

Definite Assignment

Non-nullable fields must be assigned in all code pathes. Each constructor which doesn't chain to this must set each non-nullable field which doesn't meet one of the following criteria:

Matching rules apply to static fields which must be set by all code paths in the static initializer.

As a special case, a constructor which takes an it-block as the last parameter allows definite assignment to be postponed to runtime. The it-block is required to set every non-nullable field or a FieldNotSetErr is raised at runtime. Consider this example:

class Foo
  new make(|This| f) { f(this) }
  Str name

Foo {}                   // throws FieldNotSetErr
Foo { name = "Brian" }   // ok

Overriding a Method

A field's getter may be used to override a virtual method which has no parameters:

abstract class Named
  abstract Str name()

class Person : Named
  override Str name

In the example above Named.name is a virtual method that returns a Str. The class Person overrides the Named.name method using a field. The override of Named.name maps to the getter of Person.name. Note that the field must specify the override keyword and must have a matching type. Field overrides of a method may use covariance - the field may be declared using a more specific type than the method return type.

This design pattern is a handy technique to use in your Fantom code.


A mixin can only declare const static fields and abstract fields. Mixins with abstract fields are basically declaring a getter/setter signature. When implementing a mixin with abstract fields, it is the subclass's responsibility to provide an implementation of the field. Field access of mixins uses the standard . dot operator too.

Native Fields

Native fields are implemented in an alternate language which is "native" for each target platform. Native fields are typically written in Java for the Java VM and C# for the .NET CLR. Native fields use the native keyword and follow similiar rules to absract fields - no storage or accessors. The infrastructure for supporting native fields is discussed in the Natives chapter.