
Language documentation


  1. Structure

    pod::type.slot program structure

    Overview , Pods , Types , Slots

  2. Literals

    syntax for literal types

    Overview , Bool , Int , Float , Decimal , Str , Duration , Uri , Type , Slot , Range , List , Map

  3. Expressions

    syntax for expressions

    Operator Precedence , Shortcut Operators , Same Operators , Conditional Operators , Ternary Operator , Null Convenience Operators , Type Checking , Indexing , Bitwise Operators , Serialization Expressions , Advanced Operators

  4. Statements

    syntax for statements

    Overview , Expression Statements , Return Statement , Local Variables , If Statements , Loop Statement , Switch Statement , Exception Handling

  5. Exceptions

    exception handling

    Overview , Err Class , Throw Statement , Try-Catch Statement , Finally Blocks

Type System

  1. TypeSystem

    static type system with bit of dynamic thrown in

    Overview , Types , Pure Object Oriented , Nullable Types , Value-Types , Statically Typed , Implicit Casts , Type Signatures , Collections , Generics , Subtype Substitution

  2. CompilationUnits

    organization of source code

    Organization , Char Encoding , Anatomy of Source File , Using , Comments

  3. Pods

    creating pods

    Overview , Pod Meta

  4. Classes

    creating class types

    Overview , Class Modifiers , Obj , Instances , Reflection

  5. Mixins

    creating mixin types

    Overview , Mixin Modifiers

  6. Enums

    creating enum types

    Overview , Range , Enum Constructors , Enum Modifiers , Reflection

  7. Slots

    slot model

    Overview , Slot Modifiers

  8. Methods

    deep dive into method slots

    Overview , This , Constructors , Static Initializers , Default Parameters , Operators , Virtual Methods , Abstract Methods , Once Methods , Covariance , This Returns , Dynamic Invoke , Native Methods

  9. Fields

    deep dive into field slots

    Overview , Simple Fields , Accessor Methods , Calculated Fields , Const Fields , Static Fields , Protection Scope , Readonly Fields , Virtual Fields , Abstract Fields , Definite Assignment , Overriding a Method , Mixins , Native Fields

  10. Inheritance

    rules for slot inheritance

    Overview , Syntax , Inheritance Rules , Inheritance Restrictions , Overrides , Covariance , Super

  11. Facets

    annotating types and slots with metadata

    Overview , Facet Classes , Annotations , Reflection , Inheritance


  1. Functions

    functional programming

    Overview , Function Signatures , Calling Functions , Type Compatibility , Methods , Immutable Functions

  2. Closures

    deep dive into closures

    Overview , Syntax , Binding Locals , Closure Parameters , Iteration , Closure Type Inference , It-Blocks , This Functions , With-Blocks


  1. JavaFFI

    Java foreign function interface

    Overview , Interop Summary , How it Works , Class Path - Compiler , Class Path - Runtime , Primitives , Reflection , Arrays , Nullable , Overloaded Methods , Constructors , Subclassing , Overrides , Inner Classes , Dynamic Calls , Functions as Interfaces , Annotations

  2. DotnetFFI

    .NET foreign function interface


  3. Natives

    implementing methods and fields in Java and C# code

    Overview , Native Classes , Native Peers , Native Methods , Native Fields

  4. JavaScript

    compiling to JavaScript

    Overview , Js Facet , Natives , Deployment , Running


  1. Deployment

    how to deploy pods and applications

    Overview , Natives , Dependencies , Application Deployment

  2. Env

    customizing the Fantom environment

    Overview , Directory Structure , BootEnv , Setting Env , PathEnv , JarDistEnv , Indexed Props

  3. Serialization

    reading/writing objects

    Overview , Data Model , Serializable , Simple , Collection , Streams , Syntax

  4. Concurrency

    model for sharing data between threads

    Overview , Immutability , Shared Objects

  5. Actors

    message passing concurrency

    Overview , Actors , Actor Locals , Message Passing , Futures , Timers , Chaining , Coalescing Messages , Flow Control , Actor Pools

  6. Naming

    URI naming system

    Overview , Resolving Uris , Uri Schemes , Fan Scheme

  7. Logging

    logging APIs

    Log Creation , Log Statements , Log Levels , Log Handlers , Log Setup

  8. Localization

    localization APIs

    Locale , Localized Properties , Locale Literals

  9. DSLs

    domain specific language and compiler plugins

    Overview , Built-in DSLs , DslPlugins

  10. DateTime

    date and time APIs

    Overview , Ticks , DateTime , Localization and Formatting , TimeZone , Trade-offs


  1. Appendix

    additional detailed notes

    Type Inference

  2. Conventions

    coding conventions we use

    Overview , Source Files , Naming , Common Names , Indention , Statements , Comments

  3. Grammar

    formal BNF syntax grammar

    Legend , Compilation Unit , Type Def , Slot Def , Facets , Stmt , Expr , Type , Misc , Keywords , Position Keyword