// Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   8 Jan 09  Andy Frank  Creation
//   8 Jul 09   Andy Frank  Split webappClient into sys/dom

using web

** Doc models the DOM document object.
** See [pod doc]`pod-doc#doc` for details.
class Doc

// Constructors

  ** Private ctor.
  private new make() {}

// Meta

  ** The title of this document.
  native Str title

// Elements

  ** Get the body element.
  native Elem body()

  ** Get the element with this 'id', or 'null' if no
  ** element is found with this 'id'.
  native Elem? elem(Str id)

  ** Create a new element with the given tag name.  If the
  ** attrib map is specified, set the new elements attributes
  ** to the given values.
  native Elem createElem(Str tagName, [Str:Str]? attrib := null)

// Writing

  ** Return a WebOutStream for writing content into this
  ** document. You should call 'close' on the stream when
  ** done writing to notify browser load is complete.
  native WebOutStream out()

// Cookies

  ** Map of cookie values keyed by cookie name.  The
  ** cookies map is readonly and case insensitive.
  Str:Str cookies()
      return MimeType.parseParams(getCookiesStr).ro
    catch (Err e)
    return Str:Str[:].ro

  ** Add a cookie to this session.
  Void addCookie(Cookie c)

  private native Str getCookiesStr()
  private native Str addCookieStr(Str c)
