MIT Faculty Newsletter  
Vol. XIX No. 3
January 2007
Sixty-six Years of Sponsored Research
Human Engineering and the Energy Crisis
Is the Unity of the Faculty Still Relevant?
Teaching this spring? You should know . . .
Dana Mead
New Policy on Faculty Travel on MIT Business
MIT Libraries Expands Historic Access
to Electronic Journals
Eighteen years old, October eleventh
New Tax Law Allows IRA Gift
Newsletter Included in Institute Communication Survey
Delighted with School of Architecture
and Planning
MIT Operating Budget (FY2007)
MIT Research Expenditures (FY1940-2006)
Printable Version

Newsletter Included in Institute Communication Survey

The MIT Faculty Newsletter will be one of the publications about which you will be queried in the online Communications Survey to be conducted in March. The purpose of the survey is for the Institute to better understand topics and issues of importance to the MIT community, as well as the best communication channels for connecting with members of the community. Faculty, students, staff, and alumni will be asked to participate in the survey.

Results from faculty participation in this research effort will help shape future plans for disseminating news and information at MIT, including new technologies and methods, and provide insights into potential new areas for content development. In addition to exploring topics of interest to the community, the questions to be explored include: How do people at MIT currently receive and seek information, and how would they like to receive it. The survey is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President of Institute Affairs.

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