A Call for Nominations
The Faculty Newsletter is now accepting nominations for candidates to serve on the Newsletter Editorial Board. All current faculty members or professors emeriti are eligible to serve.
Reflecting last spring’s change in the Policies and Procedures of the MIT Faculty Newsletter, all Editorial Board members will now be directly elected by the faculty.
The Nominations Committee for the Newsletter (Alice Amsden, John Belcher, Fred Moavenzadeh, Ron Prinn) will review all nominations and recommend candidates, in anticipation of faculty-wide, electronically based elections to be held in early spring.
Nominees will be asked to give evidence of commitment to the integrity and independence of the faculty, and to the role of the Faculty Newsletter as an important faculty voice.
Please forward all nominations to: fnl@mit.edu, and include Institute information (department, address, etc.) for both the nominee and the nominating faculty member, as well as a brief explanation of the qualifications of the nominee to serve on the Board.