Connect with MIT's Global CommunityAre you aware that 15 percent of MIT’s alumni population lives abroad? And many of them may be professionals in your field or your former students. The MIT Alumni Association and our new Web feature, PlanetMIT, can help you connect with regional alumni before or during your travels. MIT has approximately 16,660 alumni living in international locations, most in areas served by MIT clubs. Through these clubs, the MIT Alumni Association has a long history of welcoming MIT faculty and administrators through formal events and informal gatherings. You may have the opportunity to dine with club leaders, talk to former students, and give presentations to local alumni – all activities that help strengthen MIT’s global community. Faculty visits are highly valued by alumni clubs. The value to you is significant as well. Given the stature of MIT alumni in many parts of the world, they can often provide entrée to influential companies and government officials. In addition, alumni club volunteers may be helpful in spotting potential research or consulting opportunities for you or just welcoming you to their city and providing local knowledge. How can you find more information on our international alumni clubs? Your first stop is PlanetMIT – alum.mit.edu/maps/planetmit.dyn - a visual snapshot of our MIT population worldwide, launched in February 2010. This mapping system is located on the Networks page of the MITAA Website – alum.mit.edu/networks/. Pins are located in every state or country where alumni live. Clicking on the pin will give you a snapshot of local information: • # Alumni in the state or country PlanetMIT will lead you to MIT’s domestic and international club contacts. Just click on a country pin to find the link. Contact the clubs in cities you plan to travel to and arrange meetings and get-togethers in advance. We hope you will explore these Web pages and join our cadre of international ambassadors for MIT who grow and strengthen the global community. International Faculty Engagement by the NumbersFour-year total of international faculty club seminars: 122