EditorialA Letter to the Class of 2013Greetings to you, the graduates! – and to your families. Together with the thousands of families and friends gathered for Commencement, we share excitement, pride, and confidence in our new MIT 2013 graduates. In teaching and mentoring you, we on the faculty have also learned and grown and found new beginnings. As you launch your own careers, your contributions to society will be among the most gratifying products of our academic labors. The past few weeks have been particularly difficult, and in a very personal way for many. However, the sense of community and mutual support during this time has been unparalleled. To echo a motto for the Institute proposed nine years ago in the pages of this Newsletter, the MIT we’ve seen in these weeks has been the MIT of Mens, Manus et Cor. Looking back on your years at the Institute, and at the legacy you leave here, there is much to celebrate. As you transition to other opportunities and challenges, MIT is in the midst of a vigorous and healthy reexamination of how and what and when we teach, how and where we grow, how and why we engage with the world. Our students remain terrifically talented, committed, and optimistic – worthy successors to you whom we celebrate this month. And our faculty is continually refreshed and energized by new additions, new collaborations, new questions. These are reasons enough for you to stay connected to the Institute even as you move on. We know that you have the talent, education, skills, and resilience to accomplish great things, as your various individual paths unfold. On behalf of the entire faculty, we wish you vision, strength, commitment, and success in the challenges you take on. The Editorial Board of the MIT Faculty Newsletter