Committee on the Undergraduate Program
The Committee on the Undergraduate Program exercises oversight for the undergraduate academic program including the freshman year, the General Institute Requirements, and other interdepartmental educational activities. The Committee considers proposals that would establish or change educational policies related to the undergraduate program, and it makes appropriate recommendations on these proposals to the MIT Faculty. One of the CUP’s particular responsibilities is in encouraging innovation and experimentation in undergraduate education and therefore, it has the authority to approve limited educational experiments and grant exceptions to existing policy and procedure in these cases.
The Committee on the Undergraduate Program consists of seven elected faculty members, the Associate Chair of the Faculty, four undergraduate student members, and, ex officio, the Chancellor (or designee), the Vice Chancellor, and one member designated by the Vice Chancellor.
Prof. Duane S Boning, Chair (June 30, 2020)
Office of the Provost
Prof. Joshua Angrist (June 30, 2019)
Prof. Arthur Bahr (June 30, 2021)
Literature Section
Prof. Nergis Mavalvala (June 30, 2019)
Prof. Elizabeth Marie Nolan (June 30, 2021)
Prof. Roberto Rigobon (June 30, 2019)
Sloan School of Management
Prof. Kristel R Smentek (June 30, 2020)
Ms. Divya Goel, Student '19 (June 30, 2019)
Mr. Noah McDaniel, Student '20 (June 30, 2019)
Ms. Mary Jane Porzenheim, Student '19 (June 30, 2019)
Mr. Jason Seibel, Student '20 (June 30, 2019)
Prof. Rick Lane Danheiser, Associate Chair of the Faculty * (June 30, 2019)
Prof. Dennis M Freeman, Guest # (June 30, 2019)
Office of Undergraduate Education
Prof. Jeffrey C. Grossman, Designated Representative, Vice Chancellor * (June 30, 2019)
Materials Science and Engineering
Prof. Krishna Rajagopal, Guest, Office of Digital Learning # (June 30, 2019)
Office of the Provost
Prof. Ian A Waitz, Vice Chancellor *
Chancellor's Office
Prof. Maria Yang, Designated Representative, Chancellor * (June 30, 2019)
Mechanical Engineering
Ms. Kate Danahy, Staff to Committee
Registrar's Office
Ms. Genevre Filiault, Executive Officer #
Registrar's Office
NOTE: Date in parentheses indicates term expiration.
* Ex Officio Voting
# Ex Officio Non-Voting
^ Non-MIT Member 7/20/2018
L On Leave
For a complete list of Faculty and Institute Committees and Councils see the MIT Faculty Governance website.