
GstCpu — Descripe CPU features


#include <gst/gst.h>

enum        GstCPUFlags;
GstCPUFlags gst_cpu_get_flags               (void);


This module can be used when developing plugins. It is typically used to enable special optimisations based on the features of the CPU.

You'll get a bitmask of flags with gst_cpu_get_flags().


enum GstCPUFlags

typedef enum {
  GST_CPU_FLAG_MMX      = (1<<0),
  GST_CPU_FLAG_SSE      = (1<<1),
  GST_CPU_FLAG_MMXEXT   = (1<<2),
  GST_CPU_FLAG_3DNOW    = (1<<3)
} GstCPUFlags;

Flags that represent cpu capabilities

GST_CPU_FLAG_MMXThe cpu is mmx enabled
GST_CPU_FLAG_SSEThe cpu is sse enabled
GST_CPU_FLAG_MMXEXTThe cpu has extended mmx instructions
GST_CPU_FLAG_3DNOWThe cpu is 3DNOW enabled

gst_cpu_get_flags ()

GstCPUFlags gst_cpu_get_flags               (void);

Request a set of bits specifiying the features of the CPU.

Returns :the features of the CPU