GStreamer Core Library

Table of Contents

GStreamer - Media library supporting arbitrary formats and filter graphs.
GstBin - Base class for elements that contain other elements
GstBuffer - Data-passing buffer type, supporting sub-buffers.
GstCaps - Structure describing sets of media formats
GstClock - Abstract class for global clocks
GstConfig - Configuration options
GstCpu - Descripe CPU features
GstData - Abstract structure for information that is passed among elements
GstElement - Abstract base class for all pipeline elements
GstElementDetails - Defines public information about a GstElement
GstElementFactory - Create GstElements from a factory
GstError - Categorized error messages
GstEvent - Structure describing events that are passed up and down a pipeline
GstFilter - Take data in and spit data out
GstFormat - Dynamically register new formats
GstGhostPad - Pseudo link pads
GstImplementsInterface - Core interface implemented by GstElements that allows runtime querying of interface availabillity
GstIndex - Generate indexes on objects
GstIndexFactory - Create GstIndexes from a factory
GstInfo - Debugging and logging
GstObject - Base class for the GStreamer object hierarchy
GstPad - Object contained by elements that allows links to other elements
GstPadTemplate - Describe the media type of a pad.
GstParse - get a pipeline from a text pipeline description
GstPipeline - Top-level bin with scheduling and pipeline management functionality.
GstPlugin - Container for features loaded from a shared object module
GstPluginFeature - Base class for contents of a GstPlugin
GstProbe - Receive callbacks of data passing
GstQuery - Dynamically register new query types
GstQueue - Simple asynchronous data queue.
GstRealPad - Real link pads
GstRegistry - Abstract base class for management of GstPlugin objects.
GstRegistryPool - Management of a group of GstRegistry objects
GstScheduler - Abstract class for objects that manage the scheduling of groups of elements
GstSchedulerFactory - Create schedulers from a factory
GstStructure - Generic structure containing fields of names and values
GstSystemClock - Default clock that uses the current system time
GstTagList - List of tags and values used to describe media metadata
GstTagSetter - Element interface that allows setting and retrieval of media metadata
GstThread - A GstBin that executes automatically using a separate thread
GstTypeFindElement - typefinding subsystem
GstTypeFindFactory - information about registered typefind functions
GstTypes - various global enums and constants
GstUriHandler - Plugin feature that handles URI types
GstURIType - describes URI types
GstUtils - various utility functions
GstValue - GValue implementations specific to GStreamer
GstVersion - GStreamer version macros.
GstXML - XML save/restore operations of pipelines provides all the core GStreamer services, including initialization, plugin management and types, as well as the object hierarchy that defines elements and bins, along with some more specialized elements.