
GstProbe — Receive callbacks of data passing


#include <gst/gst.h>

struct      GstProbe;
gboolean    (*GstProbeCallback)             (GstProbe *probe,
                                             GstData **data,
                                             gpointer user_data);
GstProbe*   gst_probe_new                   (gboolean single_shot,
                                             GstProbeCallback callback,
                                             gpointer user_data);
void        gst_probe_destroy               (GstProbe *probe);
gboolean    gst_probe_perform               (GstProbe *probe,
                                             GstData **data);
struct      GstProbeDispatcher;
GstProbeDispatcher* gst_probe_dispatcher_new
void        gst_probe_dispatcher_destroy    (GstProbeDispatcher *disp);
void        gst_probe_dispatcher_init       (GstProbeDispatcher *disp);
void        gst_probe_dispatcher_set_active (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             gboolean active);
void        gst_probe_dispatcher_add_probe  (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             GstProbe *probe);
void        gst_probe_dispatcher_remove_probe
                                            (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             GstProbe *probe);
gboolean    gst_probe_dispatcher_dispatch   (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             GstData **data);


PadProbes are used to be signalled with a callback when certain GstData passes through pads.

Probes are usually used in combination with a probe dispatcher that will enumerate all registered probes to signal them.


struct GstProbe

struct GstProbe {

  gboolean		single_shot;

  GstProbeCallback	callback;
  gpointer		user_data;

The probe structure

GstProbeCallback ()

gboolean    (*GstProbeCallback)             (GstProbe *probe,
                                             GstData **data,
                                             gpointer user_data);

The function that will be called when a probe is activated.

probe :The probe that signalled the callback
data :The GstData that triggered the probe
user_data :user data
Returns :FALSE if the GstData should be removed from the stream.

gst_probe_new ()

GstProbe*   gst_probe_new                   (gboolean single_shot,
                                             GstProbeCallback callback,
                                             gpointer user_data);

Create a new probe with the specified parameters

single_shot : TRUE if a single shot probe is required
callback : the function to call when the probe is triggered
user_data : data passed to the callback function
Returns : a new GstProbe.

gst_probe_destroy ()

void        gst_probe_destroy               (GstProbe *probe);

Free the memory associated with the probe.

probe : The probe to destroy

gst_probe_perform ()

gboolean    gst_probe_perform               (GstProbe *probe,
                                             GstData **data);

Perform the callback associated with the given probe.

probe : The probe to trigger
data : the GstData that triggered the probe.
Returns : the result of the probe callback function.

struct GstProbeDispatcher

struct GstProbeDispatcher {

  gboolean		active;

  GSList		*probes;

The structure of the probe dispatcher

gst_probe_dispatcher_new ()

GstProbeDispatcher* gst_probe_dispatcher_new

Create a new probe dispatcher

Returns : a new probe dispatcher.

gst_probe_dispatcher_destroy ()

void        gst_probe_dispatcher_destroy    (GstProbeDispatcher *disp);

Free the memory allocated by the probe dispatcher. All pending probes are removed first.

disp : the dispatcher to destroy

gst_probe_dispatcher_init ()

void        gst_probe_dispatcher_init       (GstProbeDispatcher *disp);

Initialize the dispatcher. Useful for statically allocated probe dispatchers.

disp : the dispatcher to initialize

gst_probe_dispatcher_set_active ()

void        gst_probe_dispatcher_set_active (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             gboolean active);

Activate or deactivate the given dispatcher dispatchers.

disp : the dispatcher to activate
active : boolean to indicate activation or deactivation

gst_probe_dispatcher_add_probe ()

void        gst_probe_dispatcher_add_probe  (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             GstProbe *probe);

Adds the given probe to the dispatcher.

disp : the dispatcher to add the probe to
probe : the probe to add to the dispatcher

gst_probe_dispatcher_remove_probe ()

void        gst_probe_dispatcher_remove_probe
                                            (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             GstProbe *probe);

Removes the given probe from the dispatcher.

disp : the dispatcher to remove the probe from
probe : the probe to remove from the dispatcher

gst_probe_dispatcher_dispatch ()

gboolean    gst_probe_dispatcher_dispatch   (GstProbeDispatcher *disp,
                                             GstData **data);

Trigger all registered probes on the given dispatcher.

disp : the dispatcher to dispatch
data : the data that triggered the dispatch
Returns : TRUE if all callbacks returned TRUE.