
GstRegistryPool — Management of a group of GstRegistry objects


#include <gst/gst.h>

GList*      gst_registry_pool_list          (void);
void        gst_registry_pool_add           (GstRegistry *registry,
                                             guint priority);
void        gst_registry_pool_remove        (GstRegistry *registry);
void        gst_registry_pool_add_plugin    (GstPlugin *plugin);
void        gst_registry_pool_load_all      (void);
GList*      gst_registry_pool_plugin_filter (GstPluginFilter filter,
                                             gboolean first,
                                             gpointer user_data);
GList*      gst_registry_pool_feature_filter
                                            (GstPluginFeatureFilter filter,
                                             gboolean first,
                                             gpointer user_data);
GList*      gst_registry_pool_plugin_list   (void);
GList*      gst_registry_pool_feature_list  (GType type);
GstPlugin*  gst_registry_pool_find_plugin   (const gchar *name);
GstPluginFeature* gst_registry_pool_find_feature
                                            (const gchar *name,
                                             GType type);
GstRegistry* gst_registry_pool_get_prefered (GstRegistryFlags flags);


The registry pool manages the available registries and plugins in the system.


gst_registry_pool_list ()

GList*      gst_registry_pool_list          (void);

Get a list of all registries in the pool

Returns : a Glist of GstRegistries, g_list_free after use.

gst_registry_pool_add ()

void        gst_registry_pool_add           (GstRegistry *registry,
                                             guint priority);

Add the registry to the pool with the given priority.

registry : the registry to add
priority : the priority of the registry

gst_registry_pool_remove ()

void        gst_registry_pool_remove        (GstRegistry *registry);

Remove the registry from the pool.

registry : the registry to remove

gst_registry_pool_add_plugin ()

void        gst_registry_pool_add_plugin    (GstPlugin *plugin);

Add the plugin to the global pool of plugins.

plugin : the plugin to add

gst_registry_pool_load_all ()

void        gst_registry_pool_load_all      (void);

Load all the registries in the pool. Registries with the GST_REGISTRY_DELAYED_LOADING will not be loaded.

gst_registry_pool_plugin_filter ()

GList*      gst_registry_pool_plugin_filter (GstPluginFilter filter,
                                             gboolean first,
                                             gpointer user_data);

Runs a filter against all plugins in all registries and returns a GList with the results. If the first flag is set, only the first match is returned (as a list with a single object).

filter : the filter to use
first : only return first match
user_data : user data passed to the filter function
Returns : a GList of plugins, g_list_free after use.

gst_registry_pool_feature_filter ()

GList*      gst_registry_pool_feature_filter
                                            (GstPluginFeatureFilter filter,
                                             gboolean first,
                                             gpointer user_data);

Apply the filter function to all features and return a list of those features that satisfy the filter. If the first flag is TRUE, only the first match is returned in a GList with one element.

filter : the filter to apply to the feature list
first : return the first matching feature
user_data : data passed to the filter function
Returns : a GList of pluginfeatures, g_list_free after use.

gst_registry_pool_plugin_list ()

GList*      gst_registry_pool_plugin_list   (void);

Get a list of all plugins in the pool.

Returns : a GList of plugins, g_list_free after use.

gst_registry_pool_feature_list ()

GList*      gst_registry_pool_feature_list  (GType type);

Get a list of all pluginfeatures of the given type in the pool.

type : the type of the features to list.
Returns : a GList of pluginfeatures, g_list_free after use.

gst_registry_pool_find_plugin ()

GstPlugin*  gst_registry_pool_find_plugin   (const gchar *name);

Get the named plugin from the registry pool

name : the name of the plugin to find
Returns : The plugin with the given name or NULL if the plugin was not found.

gst_registry_pool_find_feature ()

GstPluginFeature* gst_registry_pool_find_feature
                                            (const gchar *name,
                                             GType type);

Get the pluginfeature with the given name and type from the pool of registries.

name : the name of the pluginfeature to find
type : the type of the pluginfeature to find
Returns : A pluginfeature with the given name and type or NULL if the feature was not found.

gst_registry_pool_get_prefered ()

GstRegistry* gst_registry_pool_get_prefered (GstRegistryFlags flags);

Get the prefered registry with the given flags

flags : The flags for the prefered registry
Returns : The registry with the flags.

See Also
