Hatton Group Member
Lev Bromberg
Research Scientist
Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room: 66-325
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Phone: (617) 253-9640
E-mail: cpbrolev@mit.edu
Personal Information and Interests
Ph.D. in Chemistry
Moscow State University
Postdoctoral Studies at The Weizmann Institute of Science and MIT
Academic Interests
Research Interests: Responsive polymers for biomedicine, including topical and oral drug delivery and gene therapy, nanoparticles for bioprocess enhancement, and self-assembling materials for protein separation
Research Description
Lev has been associated with MIT for over 10 years now, working on self-assembling polymers, gels, and nanoparticles for drug delivery and hi-tech applications. His extensive industrial experience includes stalwarts like Abbott Laboratories and Cabot Corporation as well as start-ups, including Gel Sciences, Inc., Periodontix, Inc., and others. Lev has published over 200 papers, presentations, and patents. His inventions span areas of self-assembling polymers, drug delivery devices, microencapsulation, defense, consumer products, and separation processes.
Links to several recent publications: