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Questions and Answers of Incoming (Graduate) Greek Students

Application-Admission for Graduate students

Visa issues

Funding and Degree related issues


On-campus housing.

Off campus housing

Traveling and Transportation

    1. Go to a driving school and ask them to sponsor you. They will charge about $80 and they might recommend to do one or more lessons (approximately $30/ lesson).

    2. Rent a car. In this case you will need an international driving license and a letter from the rental company, that they allow you to drive their car to a road test (most rental companies will refuse to issue the letter)

    3. Have the owner of a car be your sponsor. He has to come with you to the exam.

Cost of living and initial expenses


Health Insurance


Facts about Boston


  • Restaurants: Boston and Cambridge in particular offer a wide variety of dining options. However, eating out is considerably more expensive than in Greece ($10 per meal is considered cheap. $20/meal is normal for students).

  • There are also many opportunities within MIT, like concerts, theatrical plays, movies etc. Most of them are cheap or free of charge. Check for example http://events.mit.edu/

  • Boston is a lively city with many theaters, movie places, clubs, etc. Check for example http://boston.com/


  • MIT offers a variety of sports facilities for recreation or competition. Check http://web.mit.edu/athletics/ for more information. Classes are offered every quarter (half-semester) and students can enroll for free.

    Greek community in Boston

  • Many people of Greek origin live in the greater Boston area. There are several Greek restaurants, diaspora cultural organizations, etc. A yearly parade is organized in downtown Boston to commemorate Greek Independence. Two points of reference close to MIT are the Greek Institute (http://www.thegreekinstitute.org/,) and the Hellenic College (http://www.hchc.edu/ ).

    Computing at MIT

  • Q: What is the operating system?

    A: The MIT computing system is UNIX-based. Some departments and laboratories have PC (MS-Windows) and MAC computers as well.

  • Q: Do I need my own computer?

    A: All students get a computer account and can use the computers throughout campus. Nevertheless many people have either a desktop or a laptop of their own. Before buying a computer you might want to talk with students in your department, because often advisors or departments pay for a laptop.

    Check also http://web.mit.edu/mcc/www/

    Last modified: Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 04:27:56 PM EDT MIT
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