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    9th Annual International HERUG Conference         MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA         March 21–24, 2005    
Mon  21st Tue  22nd Wed  23rd Thur  24th

Conference Schedule – Thursday, March 24th


Thu  24th  8:00AM to 9:00AM

Continental Breakfast in the Ray and Maria Stata Center

Breakout Sessions

Thu  24th  9:00AM to 10:30AM

Two simultaneous presentations:

  1. COEUS – Steve Dowdy (MIT)
  2. Post Implementation Advice (.ppt) – Loren Blinde (UNeb)
15 Minute Break

Thu  22nd  10:30AM to 10:45AM

Breakout Sessions

Thu  24th  10:45AM to 12:15PM

Two simultaneous presentations:

  1. Compliance & Regulations – PWC; MIT Audit; SAP
  2. Grants Management Grantee Implementation – Leeds University, UK

Thu  24th  12:15PM to 1:30PM

Close of Conference

Thu  24th  1:30PM to 3:00PM

HERUG Business Meeting and Conference Close

Officers Meeting

Thu  24th  3:00PM to 4:00PM

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